OT: Great (Scathing) Comments on College Football


Jan 30, 2013
I particularly like this one:

"There are guys who have no business being in school, but they're here because this is the path to the NFL. There's no other way. Then there's the other side that says raise the SAT eligibility requirements. OK, raise the SAT requirement at Alabama and see what kind of team they have."

Great seeing him call out the system. Always fun watching someone poke Emmert and his cronies in the gonads,

Josh Rosen Q&A: UCLA QB on Injuries, NCAA and Post-NFL Goal to '''Own the World''' | Bleacher Report

Josh Rosen Q&A: UCLA QB on Injuries, NCAA and Post-NFL Goal to '''Own the World''' | Bleacher Report
What does JR know about anything? It's not the universities job to hold your hand, at some point you have to take responsibility for yourself. It's a path to the NFL? Yeah, if you want to make millions of dollars for playing a sport you're gonna have to put in some work just like all the other guys. It's not a hand out. There are tons of kids who'd love to get free school. ******* millennials crying about having to put in work to get a free education and maybe earn millions of dollars.
What does JR know about anything? It's not the universities job to hold your hand, at some point you have to take responsibility for yourself. It's a path to the NFL? Yeah, if you want to make millions of dollars for playing a sport you're gonna have to put in some work just like all the other guys. It's not a hand out. There are tons of kids who'd love to get free school. ****ing millennials crying about having to put in work to get a free education and maybe earn millions of dollars.

they should still raise the SAT at Bama
What does JR know about anything? It's not the universities job to hold your hand, at some point you have to take responsibility for yourself. It's a path to the NFL? Yeah, if you want to make millions of dollars for playing a sport you're gonna have to put in some work just like all the other guys. It's not a hand out. There are tons of kids who'd love to get free school. ****ing millennials crying about having to put in work to get a free education and maybe earn millions of dollars.

that wasn't his point
This quote from Rosen is going to get some attention:

"Missing a bowl game and getting a month off was just a breath of fresh air."

I've got a feeling UCLA will get another breath of fresh air this year too.
What does JR know about anything? It's not the universities job to hold your hand, at some point you have to take responsibility for yourself. It's a path to the NFL? Yeah, if you want to make millions of dollars for playing a sport you're gonna have to put in some work just like all the other guys. It's not a hand out. There are tons of kids who'd love to get free school. ****ing millennials crying about having to put in work to get a free education and maybe earn millions of dollars.

Ever been told you missed the point before? Because that **** shot way past your head.
This quote from Rosen is going to get some attention:

"Missing a bowl game and getting a month off was just a breath of fresh air."

I've got a feeling UCLA will get another breath of fresh air this year too.

Wonder would that quote fly in a NFL locker room. **** no
This quote from Rosen is going to get some attention:

"Missing a bowl game and getting a month off was just a breath of fresh air."

I've got a feeling UCLA will get another breath of fresh air this year too.

Wow, shot gun blast to the draft stock
Read the article. The point was that football and school don't go together very well. To do well in either takes all your time, so how does a university pretend they care about you academically when they demand your best on the field. Guys are forced into the easiest major they can find because they won't have time for the harder (and more lucrative) ones.

As a college football fan I don't like to hear this, but that doesn't mean it's not true.
What does JR know about anything? It's not the universities job to hold your hand, at some point you have to take responsibility for yourself. It's a path to the NFL? Yeah, if you want to make millions of dollars for playing a sport you're gonna have to put in some work just like all the other guys. It's not a hand out. There are tons of kids who'd love to get free school. ****ing millennials crying about having to put in work to get a free education and maybe earn millions of dollars.

that wasn't his point

What does JR know about anything? It's not the universities job to hold your hand, at some point you have to take responsibility for yourself. It's a path to the NFL? Yeah, if you want to make millions of dollars for playing a sport you're gonna have to put in some work just like all the other guys. It's not a hand out. There are tons of kids who'd love to get free school. ****ing millennials crying about having to put in work to get a free education and maybe earn millions of dollars.

Ever been told you missed the point before? Because that **** shot way past your head.

I got his point, I just don't want to hear it because it just sounds like whining. I went back to school to get another degree but I had a job and a family. Guess what, there were quite a few courses that were offered at times I couldn't take them because I was at work or needed to be with my children. You think anybody was there trying to keep me eligible? **** no there wasn't. That's life, it's hard sometimes. You want the prize? Put in the work. Guess what? The struggle he's talking about isn't new. Dudes have been doing it for a long time. Did you get 8 hours off sleep a night while you were in college? I know I didn't. Cry me a river Josh. If football doesn't work with your major, then you've got a choice to make don't you. Could you even go to UCLA without football Josh? Sorry you have to work hard to get what you want. Some degrees are worth more, it's the same for everyone not just football players. I'm sure there are benefits to having a degree from UCLA and not Alabama. That's why some schools are harder to get into.
What does JR know about anything? It's not the universities job to hold your hand, at some point you have to take responsibility for yourself. It's a path to the NFL? Yeah, if you want to make millions of dollars for playing a sport you're gonna have to put in some work just like all the other guys. It's not a hand out. There are tons of kids who'd love to get free school. ****ing millennials crying about having to put in work to get a free education and maybe earn millions of dollars.

that wasn't his point

What does JR know about anything? It's not the universities job to hold your hand, at some point you have to take responsibility for yourself. It's a path to the NFL? Yeah, if you want to make millions of dollars for playing a sport you're gonna have to put in some work just like all the other guys. It's not a hand out. There are tons of kids who'd love to get free school. ****ing millennials crying about having to put in work to get a free education and maybe earn millions of dollars.

Ever been told you missed the point before? Because that **** shot way past your head.

I got his point, I just don't want to hear it because it just sounds like whining. I went back to school to get another degree but I had a job and a family. Guess what, there were quite a few courses that were offered at times I couldn't take them because I was at work or needed to be with my children. You think anybody was there trying to keep me eligible? **** no there wasn't. That's life, it's hard sometimes. You want the prize? Put in the work. Guess what? The struggle he's talking about isn't new. Dudes have been doing it for a long time. Did you get 8 hours off sleep a night while you were in college? I know I didn't. Cry me a river Josh. If football doesn't work with your major, then you've got a choice to make don't you. Could you even go to UCLA without football Josh? Sorry you have to work hard to get what you want. Some degrees are worth more, it's the same for everyone not just football players. I'm sure there are benefits to having a degree from UCLA and not Alabama. That's why some schools are harder to get into.

Did the Emmert give you a cushy gig with that degree in mental gymnastics you went back for?
What does JR know about anything? It's not the universities job to hold your hand, at some point you have to take responsibility for yourself. It's a path to the NFL? Yeah, if you want to make millions of dollars for playing a sport you're gonna have to put in some work just like all the other guys. It's not a hand out. There are tons of kids who'd love to get free school. ****ing millennials crying about having to put in work to get a free education and maybe earn millions of dollars.

In my opinion most of them aren't getting an education at all, but are being used to make millions of dollars for their "school". Yeah, they should take advantage of that free education, but when the universities are letting them get in and pass through without learning a **** thing, in order to put a better product on the field, which path will most kids take? They are told by everyone that they will make millions one day if they work hard on the field. These schools should be ashamed of themselves. Education should be priority number 1, NOT letting kids skate by because they are making your school money. Even when most of them make millions, they are broke soon after leaving the NFL. The entire college football system is set up to take advantage of these young men, nothing more. It's **** sure not to educate them.
There's an unspoken understanding between players and schools. You bring your talent to our school and help us make millions and we will give you an opportunity to make millions in the NFL. Any talk of academics or integrity by the schools is all nonsense.

The players know why they are there as do the schools. It's not a very fair deal imo as the players have by far greater uncertainity in getting a return for their end of the bargain. Also the justification that "they're getting a free education" is nonsensical as we all know academics is one of the last priorities for both school and player.
Whining about a free education,sounds about right.

Seems like the value of the education is in the choice of the individual student and real support from university/coaches, outside forces notwithstanding. Getting and staying in the NFL is risky business.
What does JR know about anything? It's not the universities job to hold your hand, at some point you have to take responsibility for yourself. It's a path to the NFL? Yeah, if you want to make millions of dollars for playing a sport you're gonna have to put in some work just like all the other guys. It's not a hand out. There are tons of kids who'd love to get free school. ****ing millennials crying about having to put in work to get a free education and maybe earn millions of dollars.

In my opinion most of them aren't getting an education at all, but are being used to make millions of dollars for their "school". Yeah, they should take advantage of that free education, but when the universities are letting them get in and pass through without learning a **** thing, in order to put a better product on the field, which path will most kids take? They are told by everyone that they will make millions one day if they work hard on the field. These schools should be ashamed of themselves. Education should be priority number 1, NOT letting kids skate by because they are making your school money. Even when most of them make millions, they are broke soon after leaving the NFL. The entire college football system is set up to take advantage of these young men, nothing more. It's **** sure not to educate them.

you pretend to care about these kids, then you remove all agency from them as if they are incapable of making their own choices.

and lol at you guys acting as if most college kids obtain an education simply because they have a degree. i have news for you: the phenomenon of obtaining a degree without much of an education to show for it is not unique to only the college athlete.
As a whole, far more student athletes leave college with a meaningful degree and are capable of becoming successful members of the labor force in their chosen field of study than those who leave college and enter the professional ranks of their chosen sport. At least the NFL requires you to attend college long enough to attain an Associates Degree. The NBA's one-and-done policy exemplifies Rosen's point far more accurately.
He's spot on....and he's worth more to UCLA than the value of his free education so F outta here with that BS