OT: Freaky ****. United flight loses engine. A miracle that plane didn’t go down.

Yet another reason why I'm probably not flying again.

No, not scared to fly, but between the airport security bull****, and that, **** no.

Only time I might fly is if I ever make that trip to Tokyo. If I want to go across the country, I have a first class ticket on a train.
Remember that time the train fell into alligator infested waters and.... oh, never mind. Enjoy your trip! :)
Bigger miracle is that it didn't set the wing tanks on fire.... those composite 777 wings would have been a goner...
This why I only fly family dollar airlines. They have locations every where and u don't even need to leave the ground. As long as you have any vehicle with a working engine you can go anywhere in the United States. I'm pretty sure they have an app too
Yet another reason why I'm probably not flying again.

No, not scared to fly, but between the airport security bull****, and that, **** no.

Only time I might fly is if I ever make that trip to Tokyo. If I want to go across the country, I have a first class ticket on a train.
train deal with it GIF
Watch this video from inside the plane. The whole engine cowling is gone, that’s basically the inside of the jet engine you’re looking at, vibrating and shaking, it’s a miracle it didn’t fall off or completely break apart, bringing down the plane with it.

Look at this enormous piece of the outside of the engine that tore off and landed in somebody’s front yard.

View attachment 143742

Fortunately the plane landed safely back in Denver

Dude, why would you post this, I gotta fly for work tomorrow!
Much more likely to be a line maintenance issue but honestly too early to tell. There’s so many variables here but I can assure you this wasn’t the boys down at jiffy lube who work on these things.

Lol I’m much more worried about sabotage like the AA mechanic down at Mia within the last year or two. Guy was like 20 years in too.

What was the story on that guy?
I work in aviation. The engine wasn’t going to fall off. Lol scary stuff though. Can’t wait to hear the cause..
Correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t it a security measure for those planes to run on one engine if need be?
I'm a aircraft engine mechanic. We have a bet in the shop that someone BS'd a recent inspection or that they pushed out a time change to save money
That **** happens in the auto shop too. ******* shame.
This happened to me 20 years ago when I flew from Houston to New Orleans. Its a 30 minute flight normally. 15 minutes into flight the pilot came on and said they lost an engine and was returning to Houston. I was more ****ed about they not landing in New Orleans since we were half way there. You can't really tell the difference from the inside of the plane otherwise.
I have been a commercial pilot for one of UAL's competitors for 25 plus years. The plane is designed to fly with one engine, so while it is an emergency it is trained for all the time. I'm sure it got the pilots attention but after the 1st min or so tasks were divided up ( 1 flies and talks to ATC and one secures the engine and runs the checklists) after that it is a trip around the pattern to come back and land. 777 came out in the early to mid 90's and is a great jet but sometimes things break.
I didn't realize how many air disasters we have had until I started watching the flight channel on YouTube. Glad this one didn't end in tragedy
Thank the good Lord nothing happened. Bro I always have nightmares of planes ever since I saw 911 live. At 13 I went on a plane wasn't scared or anything but for some reason I always have bad plane dreams lol. Don't know why

This did it for me. Tho I fly alot now a days. Flying to Hollywood, FL around this time next month. ✈
Watch this video from inside the plane. The whole engine cowling is gone, that’s basically the inside of the jet engine you’re looking at, vibrating and shaking, it’s a miracle it didn’t fall off or completely break apart, bringing down the plane with it.

Look at this enormous piece of the outside of the engine that tore off and landed in somebody’s front yard.

View attachment 143742

Fortunately the plane landed safely back in Denver

So this leaves plane engine Initial Counter at 3, no?

Seriously, scary stuff.