OT: Fly that Banner! UCF Edition

Newsflash to UCF....please give it up...;you are a bunch of crying whining babies & are completely pathetic. Everyone is tired of your act.

Signed: NO ONE gives a rats *** about you & your cheesy conference.
The transitive property doesn't work in anything but math. They held Auburn to a lower point total, but throughout the season, was unable to stop teams with significantly lesser talent. The only thing we learned from UCF's win in the Peach Bowl was that they could beat an SEC school in a one game situation, if it was the biggest event of their lives. That's all. All of UCF's posturing is crap, it stems from insecurity. They know perfectly well they couldn't consistently compete with the big dogs. If they believed they could, they would go out and aggressively schedule like Houston did a couple of years back. UCF isn't, and it isn't because people are scared of them, it's because UCF is following the Boise State model. In other words "Play one team worth a **** all year, and then go and whine about not getting respect after ambushing the one team worth a ****".

Canedude08, I am an "old" Cane and well remember when we were in the same were situation as UCF until the 1980's; thus, why do you want to rain on their parade? They were the ONLY UNDEFEATED TEAM IN 2017 which, regardless, is not easy to do & should be recognized and applauded. No skin off our nose so-to-speak and if it irritates Saban and the Bama fans, I am all for it.
Newsflash to UCF....please give it up...;you are a bunch of crying whining babies & are completely pathetic. Everyone is tired of your act.

Signed: NO ONE gives a rats *** about you & your cheesy conference.

This. I hate Bama just as much as the next guy, but UCF is annoying as ****.
It's hard for a lot of people, myself being one, to take you too seriously when you give up 1400yds and 100pts in your last two reg season games vs USF & Memphis.

Yet Oklahoma, who made the playoff gave up 41 to a Baylor team that only won one game.
Gave up 52 to to Oklahoma State.
Gave up 38 in a LOSS to Iowa State.

If playing defense is a prerequisite, then Oklahoma had no business being in the playoff either. They surrendered 30 or more points 6 times.
Wow, it appears for whatever reason there are a lot of butt-hurt , envious and jealous "young" fans posting on this subject who don't have a clue about 'Canes football history. As a real OLD 'Cane fan from the mid 1950's & who attended the U, guess you guys don't realize we were exactly in the same situation as UCF & were initially everyone's desire for their homecoming game and how UF looked down on us & snubbed us for being so inferior and we were everybody's "cupcake"!! We were not initially even in a conference and then were ridiculed and made fun of for joining the Big East which was known as the weakess conference. So yea, we too were in a "cheesy" conference as one poster referred to UCF's conference. We were constantly told that if we were in the SEC and had to play "good" teams week in and out we would have never gotten a NC.

Also, regardless of what we do or don't do, we are still referred to as "thug U" when we all know that UF & FSU, along with many others better fit that title. Few even knew where the **** Coral Gables was located. Face it, if we were in UCF's shoes, we would be doing the exact same thing and probably more. UCF should be applauded & congratulated for being the ONLY undefeated team in the nation. And, why not irritate Saban and Bama fans.

Because of all of the above events, the Hurricane football team subsequently took on the persona of "it's us against the world, hot-dogging, & showing off, *Randall Thrill Hill comes to mind, in-your-face, intimidating", etc. antics. And, after years of oppresion, we fans LOVED it!!!

So, bottom line is to get off UCF's case & stop being so arrogant as we have no right to ridicule them. I personally like the fact that the teams such as UCF, FIU, FAU are coming into some prominence in the college football arena but yea I would always want the 'Canes to beat them. The State of FL is the strongest college football state in the entire USA. GO 'CANES
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Yet Oklahoma, who made the playoff gave up 41 to a Baylor team that only won one game.
Gave up 52 to to Oklahoma State.
Gave up 38 in a LOSS to Iowa State.

If playing defense is a prerequisite, then Oklahoma had no business being in the playoff either. They surrendered 30 or more points 6 times.

Read that again 1400 & 100, we could field a defense from the posters on this board that wouldn't give that up.:cool:
Wow, it appears for whatever reason there are a lot of butt-hurt , envious and jealous "young" fans posting on this subject who don't have a clue about 'Canes football history. As a real OLD 'Cane fan from the mid 1950's & who attended the U, guess you guys don't realize we were exactly in the same situation as UCF & were initially everyone's desire for their homecoming game and how UF looked down on us & snubbed us for being so inferior and we were everybody's "cupcake"!! We were not initially even in a conference and then were ridiculed and made fun of for joining the Big East which was known as the weakess conference. So yea, we too were in a "cheesy" conference as one poster referred to UCF's conference. We were constantly told that if we were in the SEC and had to play "good" teams week in and out we would have never gotten a NC.

Also, regardless of what we do or don't do, we are still referred to as "thug U" when we all know that UF & FSU, along with many others better fit that title. Few even knew where the **** Coral Gables was located. Face it, if we were in UCF's shoes, we would be doing the exact same thing and probably more. UCF should be applauded & congratulated for being the ONLY undefeated team in the nation. And, why not irritate Saban and Bama fans.

Because of all of the above events, the Hurricane football team subsequently took on the persona of "it's us against the world, hot-dogging, & showing off, *Randall Thrill Hill comes to mind, in-your-face, intimidating", etc. antics. And, after years of oppresion, we fans LOVED it!!!

So, bottom line is to get off UCF's case & stop being so arrogant as we have no right to ridicule them. I personally like the fact that the teams such as UCF, FIU, FAU are coming into some prominence in the college football arena but yea I would always want the 'Canes to beat them. The State of FL is the strongest college football state in the entire USA. GO 'CANES

Nice try but not even close, we beat what many considered an unbeatable team in Nebraska and earned our title, we then went on to play anyone anywhere and kick their ***. UCF has done neither.
Disagree, that UCF team was more legit than people are givin' em' credit for...that bowl win wasn't a fluke....they had just as many players drafted as Auburn.

Now I'm not saying they would've beat Alabama, but they would've definitely scored more than the measly 6 pts. that Clemson could manage to muster up.
They played what, 3 teams with winning records in an entire season? Stop with the nonsense. Usf and memphis put 1100 yards of offense on them while scoring over 100 points. They were the product of a lousy schedule.
Nice try but not even close, we beat what many considered an unbeatable team in Nebraska and earned our title, we then went on to play anyone anywhere and kick their ***. UCF has done neither.

Quatro, disagree in that the comparison is pretty close with regard to Auburn but agree that it depends upon how they perform this year, next year, etc.. However, the situation is basically the same. Because of their status last year, they have gotten some pretty good recruits and that is how Miami was built. Obviously, young guys want to play for winners.
They played what, 3 teams with winning records in an entire season? Stop with the nonsense. Usf and memphis put 1100 yards of offense on them while scoring over 100 points. They were the product of a lousy schedule.

They don't award points for yards, and they would've scored more than 6 crappy points on Bama.
Read that again 1400 & 100, we could field a defense from the posters on this board that wouldn't give that up.:cool:
That's probably true.:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: Still, at least they won both those games. What's worse though giving up 50 and winning or giving up 38 and losing? It's not like Iowa State is really any better than Memphis or USF.

BTW, just playing devil's advocate here. I'm not actually petitioning for UCF to have a trophy or anything.
Canedude08, I am an "old" Cane and well remember when we were in the same were situation as UCF until the 1980's; thus, why do you want to rain on their parade? They were the ONLY UNDEFEATED TEAM IN 2017 which, regardless, is not easy to do & should be recognized and applauded. No skin off our nose so-to-speak and if it irritates Saban and the Bama fans, I am all for it.

Fundamental difference between Miami and UCF: Miami went out and scheduled as many good teams as they possibly could in that era. The phrase "Anywhere, Anyplace, Anytime" comes to mind. Miami was also an Independent and took full advantage of that status to get as many good teams as they could on the slate. There were some duds no doubt, but let's not even pretend that UCF did all they could do beef up their schedule. UCF could have easily called Miami a couple of years back and asked for another series, they didn't. UCF could have called around and at least added some top level mid majors to their schedule, they didn't do it. When your bowl opponent is far and away the strongest squad you've played all season, that's an indictment of your scheduling practices.

Going undefeated is an accomplishment, but that doesn't automatically make you a champion. North Carolina A&T went undefeated in FCS last year, no one in their right mind would say they were anywhere near NDSU as a program. UCF went undefeated, but they aren't beating any of the CFP teams, point blank period. They don't have the depth of talent, and they wouldn't be able to ambush them in a meaningless game.