OT: Adrian Peterson Indicted...


Aug 27, 2013
****... My 1st round pick in one of my leagues. I know, horrible way to digest it...
I got hit plenty of times when I was a kid and looking back it was a good thing, but I never got left looking like the kid in those photos did. Even the biggest neanderthal has to know there is a line in there somewhere.
Peterson also allegedly said via text message to the child’s mother that he “felt bad after the fact when I notice the switch was wrapping around hitting I (sic) thigh” and also acknowledged the injury to the child’s ******* in a text message, saying, “Got him in nuts once I noticed. But I felt so bad, n I’m all tearing that butt up when needed! I start putting them in timeout. N save the whooping for needed memories!”

He done.
First he texted to her: “You will be mad at me about his leg.” Later, he texted: “He got about five more pops than normal. He didn’t drop one tear! … He’s tough as nails.”
n further text messages, Peterson allegedly said, “Never do I go overboard! But all my kids will know, hey daddy has the biggie heart but don’t play no games when it comes to acting right.”
When investigators questioned Peterson, they say he told them he regarded it as a normal spanking and not excessive. He told investigators, “To be honest with you, I feel very confident with my actions because I know my intent,” and when asked if he would reconsider using switches in the future, said he would never “eliminate whooping my kids … because I know how being spanked has helped me in my life.
the kid was 4...apparently

and he hit him in his baby nuts.

The beating allegedly resulted in numerous injuries to the child, including cuts and bruises to the child’s back, buttocks, ankles, legs and *******, along with defensive wounds to the child’s hands.

you can't defend that imo.
