Orlando Roll Call Sticky?* *CIS Tailgate!*

Would you be interested in a CIS tailgate party?

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Nov 7, 2011
Hey yall, so I am flying in from England to make my first game in what seems like 5 years, and I will be surely seeing tons of people there (I have told plenty of you about this already).

That being said, is there gonna be an official CIS tailgate? D$ can we make this **** pop like 02-03?

I want to see if its possible to set up a tailgate, or if there is already one in the works.
Flying in From Harrisburg PA first ever Cane game in the state of Florida. LETS GET IT!!!
Flying in from jersey with me and my brother(he’s a gator fan) we would love to tailgate. If we get a solid number let me know we will bring whatever we need. Lets ******* PARTY. I’ll PM anyone for further details
Driving from the 305. Planning on getting messy in DT though. I feel like the avg poster here is way too old to keep up with my shotgunning.
Flying from DC

My schedule just cleared up this week: I’m about to buy my tickets right now what section are y’all sitting in?

So I can be near some canes!

I’m coming solo. Also tell me y’all liquor of choice so I can bring a bottle
Surfing over with 4 from Cocoa Beach. Miami native / U alum : party Fri night (where ?), Disney sat morn , section P29 for game !
Where's everyone sitting? I got section 132.

The way the area is set up, downtown Orlando bars and street parties will be way better than tailgating in some concrete lot in middle of nowhere.
Where's everyone sitting? I got section 132.

The way the area is set up, downtown Orlando bars and street parties will be way better than tailgating in some concrete lot in middle of nowhere.
Coming in from Pittsburgh
Yeeee!! Coming from MIA !! Will be up there From Friday morning getting lit!! Staying at bonnet creek Wyndham !!! Down to tailgate!! I expect to not to get anything responsible done game week.