Opening Camp - Weather already

Got to blame in on something.

I got you....

If you've ever played a sport, even at the high school level, you know that once that alarm goes off there's no fūcking around, everybody goes inside.
Dealing with the weather has brought us 5 National Championships. Go get wet and win #6 !!!!!!

Can't win much when you're dead from a lightning strike.

Go ahead and give me that list of UM players that have died from lightning strikes over the years.

Lol, just making the point that the IPF is a good idea because the team isn't allowed to practice if there's lightning. If it were just about some pssy kids not wanting to get too hot I'd be with you, but the decision not to practice due to lightning is out of the staff's hands and isn't about being tough.
These jokes were hilarious don't get me wrong, but for those who assume Perry will be the starter this year he only has 1 month 2 weeks and 2 days till FSU. No laughing matter and everyday is an important one.

agreed. if we dont reach a high enough collective level of anxiety, the rains will surely come

Rain is not the issue. Lightning is what causes the delays.
How does everyone feel about us having to move around to soccer fields etc. to practice while the IPF construction is underway? Will they be closed to keying eyes when necessary? I guess on a positive, our guys will adapt to change better
Planning a skiing trip to upstate New York for January but, man, it is hot outside. Weather, weather again.
This is another of many useless messages being posted the past several days. Many members post the same messages that have been discussed for years. Very few original thoughts. Maybe as practice begin, this forum will post some information that is really pertinent concerning the outlook for the Canes 2017 season.
I'm here on campus now and we couldn't have asked for better weather. Gentlemen, football is fvking back!
Would be nice to have that IPF completed ASAP!

Looks like they will have to deal with the weather right off the bat.

Let's complain about something that we know wontbbe ready for another year or more....

We've never had an IPF....did stop us then did it