Olsen arrested for DUI

IMO he should be given a curfew and expected to meet certain requirements if he wants to stay on the team.

So driving drunk and risking lives of other innocent people = curfew.
But punching someone for slamming a door into your toddler child = suspended from school?

Good thing this mentality has no say so in these types of decisions at the University

I wasn't commenting on the AQM case, just Olsen. He was only considered drunk because of his age. Olsen is an idiot but I bet he wasn't the only UM student to get arrested that night for drinking.

My mistake
He looks more intoxicated than .04 in his mugshot. That said, .04 is b.s. and the cops probably should have been more reasonable in exercising their discretion (technically against the law or not). Given his reputed tolerance, .04 is nothing. He probably takes final exams with a higher bac.

He seems to be a knucklehead, but this is b.s.

they probably gave him the breathalizer backwards
really? every guy in all colleges in America drink and smoke marijuana...

you really want to go with that- Tens of thousands of athletes at every level, Reserve Officers Training Corps Cadets, Ivy Leaguers getting into medical school, religious Mormons, conservative Christian universities..

and every single male attending them smokes illegal substances. Every one of them. Really- that's what you want us to believe?

He doesn't need rehab, he's goes to school in Miami!! You guys were in college once, it's no different, and after seeing Kayaa play he knew he wasn't getting PT this year. If you were in college and knew you weren't getting PT what would you be doing? Partying and banging girls, Kevin Olsen just happens to get caught. He's UMs Alex Moran. But for you people to say he has a problem is ridiculous. Guess every kid in college has a problem!

Right up there in the list of worst justifications for stupid behavior.

Not trying to justify bad behavior, just saying every guy in college drinks and smokes. Out of the thousands of guys and girls I met in college, I can't even count on 2 hands how many people didn't smoke or drink. It's what you do in college, party! Not saying he should've been partying, but the fact of the matter is he's our 4th string QB on the practice squad. Why does it matter if he's partying? not like he was going to get PT this season.
CaneSport ‏@CaneSport 5m

Kevin Olsen is no longer a UM student. Will try to get a life together and maybe bounce back elsewhere

Goodbye Baby Jesus
CaneSport ‏@CaneSport 5m

Kevin Olsen is no longer a UM student. Will try to get a life together and maybe bounce back elsewhere

Goodbye Baby Jesus

The kevin olsen vacation went on too long it was pretty clear what his intentions was while in Miami hope he lands on his feet.
He doesn't need rehab, he's goes to school in Miami!! You guys were in college once, it's no different, and after seeing Kayaa play he knew he wasn't getting PT this year. If you were in college and knew you weren't getting PT what would you be doing? Partying and banging girls, Kevin Olsen just happens to get caught. He's UMs Alex Moran. But for you people to say he has a problem is ridiculous. Guess every kid in college has a problem!

Right up there in the list of worst justifications for stupid behavior.

Not trying to justify bad behavior, just saying every guy in college drinks and smokes. Out of the thousands of guys and girls I met in college, I can't even count on 2 hands how many people didn't smoke or drink. It's what you do in college, party! Not saying he should've been partying, but the fact of the matter is he's our 4th string QB on the practice squad. Why does it matter if he's partying? not like he was going to get PT this season.

Grouping drinking and smoking is bold. I just graduated and I don't smoke. I can name several people that have never even tried weed.. and know of many that have stopped.

However, if you are a high profile athlete for a school you shouldn't ever drink/do drugs and drive. Not that you should regardless, but you're risking a lot more as an athlete.