Official State Penn job as it relates to Golden Thread

Would You Be Upset If Al Left For Pedo State?

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No chance of holding this class together unless you have home-run hire which we won't have.

Coordinators start looking around, **** starts happening fast, and we are left with out ****s in our hand again.

Could not be worst timing I don't think. 5 more years of mediocracy easy.

This is exactly my point. All of you who want Al Golden gone, just remember it starts the rebuilding process all over again. Remember that when in three years you are calling for Cristobal's, Kirby Smart's, or Chud's head. Because if Al leaves this year and this class falls apart which it probably will. We will be lucky to sniff the BCS by 2020
My sources say Al was spotted in a new pair of Hagar khakis with a Blue tie. It's settled fellas. He gone
No chance of holding this class together unless you have home-run hire which we won't have.

Coordinators start looking around, **** starts happening fast, and we are left with out ****s in our hand again.

Could not be worst timing I don't think. 5 more years of mediocracy easy.

This is exactly my point. All of you who want Al Golden gone, just remember it starts the rebuilding process all over again. Remember that when in three years you are calling for Cristobal's, Kirby Smart's, or Chud's head. Because if Al leaves this year and this class falls apart which it probably will. We will be lucky to sniff the BCS by 2020

We're not sniffing the BCS with this class if Golden stays you idiot.
No chance of holding this class together unless you have home-run hire which we won't have.

Coordinators start looking around, **** starts happening fast, and we are left with out ****s in our hand again.

Could not be worst timing I don't think. 5 more years of mediocracy easy.

This is exactly my point. All of you who want Al Golden gone, just remember it starts the rebuilding process all over again. Remember that when in three years you are calling for Cristobal's, Kirby Smart's, or Chud's head. Because if Al leaves this year and this class falls apart which it probably will. We will be lucky to sniff the BCS by 2020

Define "fall apart".

Who's bouncing? Where are they going?

If we get someone like Petrino (and retain Hurlie Brown), I think most guys would stay on board.
I have faith in Blake James.

We'll see when this all unfolds. He better have his *** getting feelers out already. A committee if necessary. And have this wrapped up in a week because if not, we're in serious trouble. We're probably already ****ed, unless Coley somehow is retained by the next staff. Kayaa is already on the edge and without a future QB, we ****ed.

I dun told yall. Dont know why they are scoffing.

"Break Glass In Case of Emergency".

Here is your contingency plan:

It makes TOO much sense as how UM does these things. They will make a cursory run at ONE bigger name, offer 2.5 million, they will be turned down, and they will turn around and "break the glass", and viola. Done.

He will be had CHEAP. With the extra money, they will bring in a top notch DC. He will keep Coley who will help keep some of the recruits on board. He's supposedly a good recruiter with good contacts in So Fla. Former Cane. So Fla guy. Has HC experience.

This is a TAILOR MADE UM hire right here. This guy is right out of central Casting for Donna Shalala.
I can say with complete certainty that there is not a REALISTIC SLAM DUNK hire out there for us. The new coach will have his warts and we'll pick him apart. A lot of variables and politics down in SFL right now. Hopefully we get a coach that comes in here, surrounds himself with a few people that understand the area, but gets the freedom to make the changes he deems necessary.

Wrong...his name is James Franklin.
Two rules for hiring a new coach, follow them and we are back. Don't and we aren't.

NFL coordinator who had won a title as a coordinator and failed as a HC, has to have charisma/players coach.

Current or former HC at a lower end BCS program who did solid to great that coordinated under an elite college coach.

Guys who pass these rules: (Schnelly, JJ, Butch)Schiano, Dantonio, Strong, Mike Stoops, Steve Spagnuolo, Josh McDaniels, Jack Del Rio, Dan Mullen......I'm sure there are several other NFL guys I can't think of...Guys who were taken before we could who fit this: Sumlin, Sarkisian.

Guys who fail these rules: (Coker, Shannon, Golden, Dennis Erickson) James Franklin, Cristobal, Chud, Patterson, Kirby Smart, Muschamp, Kiffin, and on and on.

Is it coincidence that every coach we had who didn't fit within these rules failed here, and the ones who did had wild success?
Lmao Sapp

@WarrenSapp: I heard Schiano & Al Golden gonna fight over Penn St.? #FreeAtLast
I have faith in Blake James.

We'll see when this all unfolds. He better have his *** getting feelers out already. A committee if necessary. And have this wrapped up in a week because if not, we're in serious trouble. We're probably already ****ed, unless Coley somehow is retained by the next staff. Kayaa is already on the edge and without a future QB, we ****ed.

I dun told yall. Dont know why they are scoffing.

"Break Glass In Case of Emergency".

Here is your contingency plan:

It makes TOO much sense as how UM does these things. They will make a cursory run at ONE bigger name, offer 2.5 million, they will be turned down, and they will turn around and "break the glass", and viola. Done.

He will be had CHEAP. With the extra money, they will bring in a top notch DC. He will keep Coley who will help keep some of the recruits on board. He's supposedly a good recruiter with good contacts in So Fla. Former Cane. So Fla guy. Has HC experience.

This is a TAILOR MADE UM hire right here. This guy is right out of central Casting for Donna Shalala.

Cmon, 4LIFE, are you really believing what you're ready? I'm starting to think you're just trolling now. Mari(a)o? Cmon, don't be silly. If any "in case of emergency" guys out there, it would be much more likely to be Chud than Maria.
Him not coming out by now, you would be inclined to think he is gone; however, that is just my thoughts.

2 others are on the list, Munchack (spelling and two lazy to look it up) is still with Titans, and Franklin rumored to be interviewed after his game on Sunday, which means this may drag out.

This will hurt our EEs if he doesn't come out soon, so that is what has got me thinking he may be gone. If the rumors that the BOT want an answer today, it may come to a boil.

Sincere apologies but our forum is down right now as of the last 10 minutes. We're desperately working to get it back up. Website is fine.

He is a nice guy, but a suckass head coach.....
Salary cannot be the only thing in consideration for coaches. It's South beach, at a time where the rest of the country is freezing their asses off. Including me with 11 degree weather in the mid Atlantic. No State Taxes, that adds a little to the pot. Also the most fertile recruiting ground in the country. What other place can you coach one day, play golf, year round, the next. 5 National Championships and played for countless others. ****, sounds pretty good to me.

Get a coach that will light a fire under these kids asses. African American will be a plus as being able to relate can have an impact. Just make sure that the hire is passionate (Unlike Shannon), on the young side (unlike Coker) and can coach (unlike Golden). I just described coach Strong, which won't happed, but someone like James Franklin might.


Shannon related, we would have Teddy Bridgewater and Cooper on our team if he was here. I also said passionate though, and that's were he lacked.
I have faith in Blake James.

We'll see when this all unfolds. He better have his *** getting feelers out already. A committee if necessary. And have this wrapped up in a week because if not, we're in serious trouble. We're probably already ****ed, unless Coley somehow is retained by the next staff. Kayaa is already on the edge and without a future QB, we ****ed.

I dun told yall. Dont know why they are scoffing.

"Break Glass In Case of Emergency".

Here is your contingency plan:

It makes TOO much sense as how UM does these things. They will make a cursory run at ONE bigger name, offer 2.5 million, they will be turned down, and they will turn around and "break the glass", and viola. Done.

He will be had CHEAP. With the extra money, they will bring in a top notch DC. He will keep Coley who will help keep some of the recruits on board. He's supposedly a good recruiter with good contacts in So Fla. Former Cane. So Fla guy. Has HC experience.

This is a TAILOR MADE UM hire right here. This guy is right out of central Casting for Donna Shalala.

I've been in agreement with you from the start.