Official CIS Endorsement: Manny Diaz

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Rest in @whatthe**** my friend. Tragic
it's OK to have been alright with the hire

its OK to have been totally against it, but still hoping that Manny would end up being a great hire

We're fans, what else can we really do?

However, it's NOT OK to still defend this clown show (and I dont see anyone that is at this juncture)
Last night as I stuffed my face with its 15th turkey dinner of the weekend, I sat back and in between gravy burps began reflecting on both this season and the state of the progrum.

My mind eventually gravitated toward the defense. I thought about what a dominant unit these guys turned out to be. A defensive line tossing OLinemen around like circus midgets. Our entire defense continuously living in the backfield. The 2nd best total defense in this beautiful nation of ours.

But then I got sad. I got ****ed. Manny Diaz and his guys just produced a championship level defense all for naught. We finally had a Miami caliber defense and we turned it into 7 wins. A unit full of foaming-at-the-mouth savage killers, and the best Richt could do was hand them an offense that looked like a flag football team for a mentally disabled nursing home.

I’ll tell ya what, bubs — I was disgusted. I was angry. I’m talking spitting mad. This defense represented everything Miami Hurricanes football all season and got nothing in return. But then I got happy. I got hopeful. A slow smile crept across my face like the Grinch when he decides to ransack Christmas from those little weirdos. We’ve been dying for a young, innovative, aggressive coach who can both motivate his players but also adapt. We want an intellectual guy that can adjust and gets the progrum.

Well my friends, this leads me to my official endorsement: Manny Diaz should, no, NEEDS to be named the head coach in waiting by tomorrow.

I want to highlight the 4 main areas where he excels, which also to me are the 4 main reasons why he needs to be the next head coach, and given that title so we can retain him.

1. He Adapts

- I don’t know if many of you were like me last season, spending several 3rd downs screaming at the field or your television while teams converted on us. Our linebackers backpedaling into zones like clueless cavemen. We were flat out bad last year on 3rd down.

- What does Manny do? Well like the new waiver of hotshot bright young coaches, he adapts. He doesn’t blame execution; or players; or a cloud— no, he adapts. He retooled his defense. He created an entirely new position on his defense to walked down his tweener safeties and get more speed on the field. He basically went spread for his defense.

The result? His unit went from 75th in NCAAF on 3rd downs to ... 1st. That’s right. He went into the lab and spent several nights with a cafe con leche and a chalkboard and he realized he had a problem and fixed it. And boy did he fix it. From 75th to best in the country.

Manny is cerebral enough to idenitify and fix issues on his defense. He can adapt. A huge sign of a great coach.

2. Leadership

- Younger guys like me might usually laugh at this unquantifiable idea of leadership as a remaining footballism from the Bill Parcells caveman days. In an era all about analytics and numbers, where does this fit? We’ll follow me into Manny Diaz land and I’ll show ya, pal.

- It’s no secret this defense hated the offense. We basically had two brothers out at a bar trying to pick up women. The defense was Brad Pitt and the offense was Steve Buschemi. The defense spent the entire season being given no time to rest on the sideline, horrible field position, and zero points to fall back on. They could never rest or let up or the games would be over.

If ever there was a time for a unit to be justified in their frustration or exhaustion, it was the defense this season. But miraculously, under Manny’s leadership, his guys didn’t quit. Didn’t dog it. Didn’t mail it in. Despite everything they went out every series and hunted like a pack of deranged wolves for their coach. Their refusal to quit even while having to lug around this hideous offense is a testament to Manny’s ability to lead and inspire. He’s a high energy aggressive badass and that attitude trickles down and permeates his entire defense. Coaches who stand on the sideline with liverspots and looked confused are not what Miami needs. No, it needs a chinstrap-clad Miami Bro who screams at his defense in Spanglish and invented the **** turnover chain.

Manny is a leader.

3. Aggressive

- As previously stated before, Manny is aggressive. Check the tackle for loss numbers, or just watch our defense. There is no bend don’t break attitude. It is simply break. His goal is to destroy your offense and break their bones and will. In just 3 years we’ve gone from a “Wefense” that day back and let the action be dictated to them, to a guy in Manny who has his defense throwing a punch while the other fighter is still attempting to touch gloves.

Miami was built on speed and a bad attitude. Look no further than our defense’s mindset and scheme to see that Manny has been a perfect fit. This attitude needs to be found throughout our entire program. I have no doubts Manny would bring this attitude to both sides of the ball and on the recruiting trail. And most importantly, with his offensive coordinator hire. Manny is a ping aggressive high IQ guy. He would bring in a Kendal Briles or similar and we’d have an offense looking to score 70 a game with no let up.

Aggression is a mindset that needs to come from the top and infect the entire program. From janitorial staff to players. Under Manny, our secretaries would be headbutting when they clock out.

4. He’s a Miami guy

- This is a notion I always hated. But I think the reason I hated it was because it was the prerequisite of many of our fans for a head coach. Miami fans wanted to filter out anyone without Miami ties, but that was a mistake. The Miami guy association should be just an added bonus. We have that with Manny.

- Manny is a Miami Cuban who knows this city and the area. The 3 facts above are why he should be HCIW, this 4th one is merely a bonus. With a young aggressive guy like Manny with ties to the area, you’re gonna get a monster on the recruiting trail, along with someone who knows what a great Miami program should look like. But again, it comes in the package of a young, intelligent head coach.

Manny is basically the final figure on the Mario Cristobal evolutionarily chart. Let Mario throw his own ***** at helicopters and stick his head in a beehive while Manny listens to Bach and draws up his gameplan for the bowl. The Canes don’t need a Miami guy, they need a great coach. Manny happens to be the perfect and rare combo of both.

For all the reasons laid out above, and the fact that we must retain him, it is imperative that Blake James dismount himself from his favorite artificial ***** and name Manny Diaz the head coach in waiting. If this upsets Richt, good. Go board the TOPS bus and head to a retirement home. We must do what’s best for the progrum.

Like FSU naming Jimbo the HCIW under their senile ruler, they also did what was best for them. Their aggressive hotshot coordinator worked out pretty well for them. It is time for us to not let such a talent slip away. Several great head coaches right now we’re coordinators just before getting their first gig with no stop in the middle. Jimbo, Frost, Dabo, Kirby.

Miami Hurricanes: do the right thing. Fire up the pastelitos, blast the Celia Cruz, and break out the chinstraps and fat asses.

Manny is Miami.
Miami is Manny.
Make it happen.

/ This ad was Paid for by DMoney

You do know that you will NEVER live this

Seriously, i never seen such an enthusiastic endorsement from anyone .....not even a spouse or favored child

That took having some major suction man!! Some world class **** riding!! Yee Haaa!!

it's OK to have been alright with the hire

its OK to have been totally against it, but still hoping that Manny would end up being a great hire

We're fans, what else can we really do?

However, it's NOT OK to still defend this clown show (and I dont see anyone that is at this juncture)
Last night as I stuffed my face with its 15th turkey dinner of the weekend, I sat back and in between gravy burps began reflecting on both this season and the state of the progrum.

My mind eventually gravitated toward the defense. I thought about what a dominant unit these guys turned out to be. A defensive line tossing OLinemen around like circus midgets. Our entire defense continuously living in the backfield. The 2nd best total defense in this beautiful nation of ours.

But then I got sad. I got ****ed. Manny Diaz and his guys just produced a championship level defense all for naught. We finally had a Miami caliber defense and we turned it into 7 wins. A unit full of foaming-at-the-mouth savage killers, and the best Richt could do was hand them an offense that looked like a flag football team for a mentally disabled nursing home.

I’ll tell ya what, bubs — I was disgusted. I was angry. I’m talking spitting mad. This defense represented everything Miami Hurricanes football all season and got nothing in return. But then I got happy. I got hopeful. A slow smile crept across my face like the Grinch when he decides to ransack Christmas from those little weirdos. We’ve been dying for a young, innovative, aggressive coach who can both motivate his players but also adapt. We want an intellectual guy that can adjust and gets the progrum.

Well my friends, this leads me to my official endorsement: Manny Diaz should, no, NEEDS to be named the head coach in waiting by tomorrow.

I want to highlight the 4 main areas where he excels, which also to me are the 4 main reasons why he needs to be the next head coach, and given that title so we can retain him.

1. He Adapts

- I don’t know if many of you were like me last season, spending several 3rd downs screaming at the field or your television while teams converted on us. Our linebackers backpedaling into zones like clueless cavemen. We were flat out bad last year on 3rd down.

- What does Manny do? Well like the new waiver of hotshot bright young coaches, he adapts. He doesn’t blame execution; or players; or a cloud— no, he adapts. He retooled his defense. He created an entirely new position on his defense to walked down his tweener safeties and get more speed on the field. He basically went spread for his defense.

The result? His unit went from 75th in NCAAF on 3rd downs to ... 1st. That’s right. He went into the lab and spent several nights with a cafe con leche and a chalkboard and he realized he had a problem and fixed it. And boy did he fix it. From 75th to best in the country.

Manny is cerebral enough to idenitify and fix issues on his defense. He can adapt. A huge sign of a great coach.

2. Leadership

- Younger guys like me might usually laugh at this unquantifiable idea of leadership as a remaining footballism from the Bill Parcells caveman days. In an era all about analytics and numbers, where does this fit? We’ll follow me into Manny Diaz land and I’ll show ya, pal.

- It’s no secret this defense hated the offense. We basically had two brothers out at a bar trying to pick up women. The defense was Brad Pitt and the offense was Steve Buschemi. The defense spent the entire season being given no time to rest on the sideline, horrible field position, and zero points to fall back on. They could never rest or let up or the games would be over.

If ever there was a time for a unit to be justified in their frustration or exhaustion, it was the defense this season. But miraculously, under Manny’s leadership, his guys didn’t quit. Didn’t dog it. Didn’t mail it in. Despite everything they went out every series and hunted like a pack of deranged wolves for their coach. Their refusal to quit even while having to lug around this hideous offense is a testament to Manny’s ability to lead and inspire. He’s a high energy aggressive badass and that attitude trickles down and permeates his entire defense. Coaches who stand on the sideline with liverspots and looked confused are not what Miami needs. No, it needs a chinstrap-clad Miami Bro who screams at his defense in Spanglish and invented the **** turnover chain.

Manny is a leader.

3. Aggressive

- As previously stated before, Manny is aggressive. Check the tackle for loss numbers, or just watch our defense. There is no bend don’t break attitude. It is simply break. His goal is to destroy your offense and break their bones and will. In just 3 years we’ve gone from a “Wefense” that day back and let the action be dictated to them, to a guy in Manny who has his defense throwing a punch while the other fighter is still attempting to touch gloves.

Miami was built on speed and a bad attitude. Look no further than our defense’s mindset and scheme to see that Manny has been a perfect fit. This attitude needs to be found throughout our entire program. I have no doubts Manny would bring this attitude to both sides of the ball and on the recruiting trail. And most importantly, with his offensive coordinator hire. Manny is a ping aggressive high IQ guy. He would bring in a Kendal Briles or similar and we’d have an offense looking to score 70 a game with no let up.

Aggression is a mindset that needs to come from the top and infect the entire program. From janitorial staff to players. Under Manny, our secretaries would be headbutting when they clock out.

4. He’s a Miami guy

- This is a notion I always hated. But I think the reason I hated it was because it was the prerequisite of many of our fans for a head coach. Miami fans wanted to filter out anyone without Miami ties, but that was a mistake. The Miami guy association should be just an added bonus. We have that with Manny.

- Manny is a Miami Cuban who knows this city and the area. The 3 facts above are why he should be HCIW, this 4th one is merely a bonus. With a young aggressive guy like Manny with ties to the area, you’re gonna get a monster on the recruiting trail, along with someone who knows what a great Miami program should look like. But again, it comes in the package of a young, intelligent head coach.

Manny is basically the final figure on the Mario Cristobal evolutionarily chart. Let Mario throw his own ***** at helicopters and stick his head in a beehive while Manny listens to Bach and draws up his gameplan for the bowl. The Canes don’t need a Miami guy, they need a great coach. Manny happens to be the perfect and rare combo of both.

For all the reasons laid out above, and the fact that we must retain him, it is imperative that Blake James dismount himself from his favorite artificial ***** and name Manny Diaz the head coach in waiting. If this upsets Richt, good. Go board the TOPS bus and head to a retirement home. We must do what’s best for the progrum.

Like FSU naming Jimbo the HCIW under their senile ruler, they also did what was best for them. Their aggressive hotshot coordinator worked out pretty well for them. It is time for us to not let such a talent slip away. Several great head coaches right now we’re coordinators just before getting their first gig with no stop in the middle. Jimbo, Frost, Dabo, Kirby.

Miami Hurricanes: do the right thing. Fire up the pastelitos, blast the Celia Cruz, and break out the chinstraps and fat asses.

Manny is Miami.
Miami is Manny.
Make it happen.

/ This ad was Paid for by DMoney
Cool, Hook em.
You may get your wish

But the results will always be the same. He'll always keep you hoping and I'm sure he's got plenty more UNC empty stadium shots ready to go for whenever you start to complain...because as he wants you to think....he cares so much.

It may happen because the longer we're waiting, it's gotta make you wonder..and me worry...WHY?

IF Manny was let go, I seriously doubt any other major program will be wanting him because they know what we refuse to accept

IF he's trash...why are we waiting for the new AD to take it out? Shouldn't he have a clean slate to start rebuilding?

I Have a bad feeling the Administration wants to keep him. Otherwise why are we waiting?

IF the new AD agrees to keep him...then Ive already lost any faith in his judgment

So here we go again doing what we do best.

Wake me when this nightmare is over
You do know that you will NEVER live this

Seriously, i never seen such an enthusiastic endorsement from anyone .....not even a spouse or favored child

That took having some major suction man!! Some world class **** riding!! Yee Haaa!!

What would you expect from this guy. Some posters like OCCC call him a straight up gator at worst, or I have even heard he is a Dmoney troll.
These casuals do not understand that your petty bumps cannot stop me.

You are throwing pebbles at a tank.

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