*Official Brad Kaaya Appreciation Thread*

Not only is he the best freshman QB in program history, will probably go down at the very least statistically as the greatest cane QB ever and NFL scouts are already looking at him with Heavy interest.. Besides all that and more, this guy is CARRYING this program on his back.. He's put that on himself as a 19 year old.. We will be great at some point with him whether it's next year (not likely w/ Golden) or 2016 his first year w/o Goldenofrio.. He's the only positive thing we have in recruiting.... Because everyone knows if you have a GREAT QB you will always have a chance... I'm praying we don't waste his career like we did to Duke's... Because like Duke this guy deserves to win something significant here (ACC, major bowl game or national Championship)

So much vagueness, and qualifiers:

will probably go down at the very least statistically
with Heavy interest
all that and more
CARRYING this program on his back
great at some point
put that on himself as a 19 year old
not likely w/ Golden
everyone knows
I'm praying
deserves to win

The rest is solid. E for effort.

Certainly, if we had a real coaching staff, his talent would maximize. My prediction: he will regress in his Sophomore year.
Support any player who suits up for the orange and green. They have won against all odds before with crappy administrations or coaches. Respect to all these kids.
Not only is he the best freshman QB in program history, will probably go down at the very least statistically as the greatest cane QB ever and NFL scouts are already looking at him with Heavy interest.. Besides all that and more, this guy is CARRYING this program on his back.. He's put that on himself as a 19 year old.. We will be great at some point with him whether it's next year (not likely w/ Golden) or 2016 his first year w/o Goldenofrio.. He's the only positive thing we have in recruiting.... Because everyone knows if you have a GREAT QB you will always have a chance... I'm praying we don't waste his career like we did to Duke's... Because like Duke this guy deserves to win something significant here (ACC, major bowl game or national Championship)

If only OP had resisted the hyperbole I could have voted this thumbs up.

I fixed it, better?
For a half, against FSU (valid competition) he showed you everything you'd ever want to see out of a good to very good college QB.

Outside of that half, unless it was against mediocre competition he was a true Frosh, someone who didn't change the game positively.

You take away a running back who we don't have one who even is half the back we're losing, your only exhibited (I say exhibited as we don't have creative deep threats and essentially use them poorly) deep threat, and your safety valve in Walton....you've got a long road ahead of you in the future.

I know things change yearly and players emerge, but next year we're a watered down version of this year's team.

News flash, he doesn't get bonus points for trying to recruit people to this university, they all do that.

Yes, he's got potential as exhibited by the FSU game, bit that's it right now. When I think of BK, in tight situations where the game is on the line, I think happy feet with poor decisions or throws made. Again, he's a true Frosh who has some **** poor play calling (yes, so far Coley sucks ***....I don't care how good of a recruiter he supposedly is) on his side.
Per Kehoe, our QB has "IT," and as such, Golden's expecting Kaaya to carry the rest of the team this year.

That's some sorry-a$$ed ***gotry, right there.