Offensive Coaching Staff


Nov 2, 2011
Sorry if this was already brought up, I don't remember reading it anywhere, but there is only one coach in the same position that they were in last season. Kehoe and Carroll are the only hold overs and Carroll has switched to WR. This group is still in the feeling out phase and working with different players than they have in the past. Hope to see this side of the staff starting to gel moving forward.
Sorry if this was already brought up, I don't remember reading it anywhere, but there is only one coach in the same position that they were in last season. Kehoe and Carroll are the only hold overs and Carroll has switched to WR. This group is still in the feeling out phase and working with different players than they have in the past. Hope to see this side of the staff starting to gel moving forward.

Don't think they will turn out to be bums, either. Offense should improve.
Good point. Got huge upgrade in recruiting with Coley and Hurlie. Considering Bama paid 500k for Mario cause they think he can recruit, I think it was good trade. Looks like we have a serious D now, so we can afford the O to slide a little for afew games. Will need it on track for the wide right game. Got to figure Coley has been working on that game plan for about 9 months already. He is going to want to show Jimbo up. Golden had a huge one on for Muschump and the gator this week; I'm sure Coley will have same for Gumbo and wide right.
The staff on that side of the ball are a bunch of recruiters dressed up as football coaches. The results speak for themselves.
MakeMeWantToHurlie Brown needs to be FIRED and never allowed to step foot back in The Rock Lockerroom
there are lots of little things that are needing fixed...we are all getting jacked about nothing.
by the GT game things will be fine..