New Stadium

25 years from now? We already talk about 2019, 2020 and 2021 kids, and that is as far out as I go.
Lmfao. Our future commits aren't even sperm yet and your and you're talking bout a stadium 25yrs from now lol
Or you could go to the games and not worry about what it looks like on tv

Ding ding ding! Maybe if people actually went to the games instead of complaining that the stadium looks empty when they watch on TV, there'd be no issues.
do you think well pursue one after the Hard Rock 25 year lease expires? We are almost half way through already. I don't mind hard rock. I just think we need a cheap 50K seat stadium closer to campus with metal bleachers right on top of the field just like the OB. Just make it cheap (so its financially possible to get one) and loud as ****. We don't need any bells and whistles like the other schools. My main problem with Hard Rock is how empty it looks because of the seats and not bleachers. I just watched 2004 La Tech vs Miami at home in the OB and it was a very small crowd but still looked pretty full on most shots of the crowd on tv. Hard Rock does not disguise this at all. Every empty seat sticks out and is really obvious. Hate it. Also don't know why they put the student section in an area on TV when most students don't show up other than FSU, ND games. Thoughts? super bored at work. Im really surprised those in charge of this haven't at least tried to make it a little less obvious somehow. Not a troll. But I know ill get ripped anyway instead of getting serious thoughts and feedback.
Broke is that you?
The Board of Trustees for the University of Miami have reviewed your proposal and it appears as though they've reached a unanimous decision.

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