New shirt

Only people wearing that shirt will be:
1. Fat
2. White
3. Dumb
4. Corny as fck.

Why? I agree that the shirt is not for me but why would you think that? Trump had lots of votes from all races.
Because it's true. Irrefutable.

Source ? or your opinion?

I thought that folks who wouldn't consider wearing the shirt because of Trump would be:
1. Fat
2. Lazy
3. People who lack personal accountability and have an entitlement attitude.
4. People who defrauded the system for 8 years and now have to get a real job.

It's true. Irrefutable.
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Twice as likely to make the hurricanes bankrupt again.

lol, maybe ... but probably not 9 trillion more dollars in debt.

Right, because reducing the governments only source of income (cutting taxes) surely won't make the debt rise. If you need an example why don't you read up on how kansas is doing.

Hard times for Kansas and its schools as economic 'experiment' creates gaping budget hole - LA Times

It's so bad they've stopped releasing quarterly reports.

It will be fun to watch the republican meltdown when they have no one to blame since they control the house and senate.
Saw this shirt. Would you buy it?

View attachment 40201

Considering most of our athletes are black, I am pretty sure this would not be a good look.

What is that supposed to mean?
Black people don't like Trump

Not true

7% of African Americans voted for Trump. There is no "dislike for Trump" specifically...but Majority do not approve of him being fit for presidency. I think it's fair to say that a portion of the players would not be fond of the fan base wearing Donald Trump shirts for Senior Day. I think they would much rather have half the stadium wearing Jerseys in support of the seniors.
Considering most of our athletes are black, I am pretty sure this would not be a good look.

What is that supposed to mean?
Black people don't like Trump

Not true

7% of African Americans voted for Trump. There is no "dislike for Trump" specifically...but Majority do not approve of him being fit for presidency. I think it's fair to say that a portion of the players would not be fond of the fan base wearing Donald Trump shirts for Senior Day. I think they would much rather have half the stadium wearing Jerseys in support of the seniors.

According to Reuters, he received the lowest number of votes from minorities in 40 years. But hey.... if people who voted for him want to think he has a truly diverse support base - have at it and delude yourselves.
Only people wearing that shirt will be:
1. Fat
2. White
3. Dumb
4. Corny as fck.

This is a spot on prognosis of the yahoos that'd be sporting this. The shirt is really better suited for the Tennessee fan base.
Think of the typical West Virginia fan. They'd rock that shirt tucked into some Wranglers pulled over their belly button with white Nike Seinfeld sneakers.