Nebraska's Game Plan

With our Oline woes they don't have to load the box. They no doubt have a better line than UL did. I didn't think UL had that good of a defense. If they can take our run game out without having to load the line then we are gonna be in trouble. I don't think we will see what we did against UL. They're better than UL.
The can stop a Duke with 7. Just over shift the front to the left side and put Gregory on the right side. Miami cannot single block him with the likes of Gadbois which eliminates the numerical advantage we would have on the right side due to the over shift.

If we're gonna play "that" game, take out Clive, put O'donnell and Standish in as additional blockers. We have the horses to run it down their throats. But spreading the field seems smarter. 3-4 WRs with NO Gadbois! Kc can not be worse than he is, I won't believe it.
With our Oline woes they don't have to load the box. They no doubt have a better line than UL did. I didn't think UL had that good of a defense. If they can take our run game out without having to load the line then we are gonna be in trouble. I don't think we will see what we did against UL. They're better than UL.
I disagree. I think UL is the better team. Nebraska for some reason is over hyped and over rated every year.
The plan for Nebraska is to get us in our base defense of 3-4-3-1 and spread the field so our shut down corner McCord isnt using his obscene size for a corner near the ball. They will then shove the ball down our collective throats with yabba dabba Ahmed who will be a Heisman finalist come Saturday night. When we are on offense we will try to run stretch plays to the short side of the field with no blocker in the backfield for Duke, but only to the right side, because that's how Miami rolls, gotta play nice and all. I can wait to see our bacon double cheeseburger tight end reverse flea flicker when we are pinned deep in our own territory.

It's a night game. In Nebraska. A ranked opponent. One the road. With Golden as our head ball coach. We are going to get the **** kicked out of us. But, I'll watch and get excited and stuff.
Since I will be there, I hope it will go different but in my heart of hearts I know this is going to be ND in Chicago 2.0: I will be freezing my *** off, wondering why do I do this to myself and wishing someone would grab Golden by his tie and drag him back to the MAC, where he belongs.

No won't be freezing your *** off.

Seems like they still hurting though.


And we are ever grateful.
Would be nice to see us come out attacking and have the OTHER team adjust to us for once...nice to dream I guess.
Leave coach Coley home; let Williams call the plays and then tell Kaaya to set up in the shotgun and do whatever the **** he wants. Kid seems to know more about football than the whole O coaching staff. Wait, one more thing, can Olsen go on a beer run---dude's got that play down.
So after reading a few articles on Their site. It looks like they want to take Duke out first and put the game on Kayaa. They want Kayaa to throw and make mistakes. Looks like 7-8 in the box again . I hope they do it and coley unleashes Kayaa on their ***.

Screens, slants, short crossing routes, wr screens... Quick hitters up the seams... Need to get Duke out in space. The way our OL is blocking if we just line up and try to run him it will be retarded.
They are going to do the same exact thing Louisville did, we have to adjust.

This, any team with a pulse will do this until we prove we can protect the passer and make plays in the passing game. No more baby steps, you either run the full offense, or GTFO.
The can stop a Duke with 7. Just over shift the front to the left side and put Gregory on the right side. Miami cannot single block him with the likes of Gadbois which eliminates the numerical advantage we would have on the right side due to the over shift.

so, you want them to take their strong side DE, and flip him to the weekside, and their weakside DE, and flip him to the strongside? What happens when they pass?

They can simply double Gregory with Isidoro and Gadbois. Or double him with Clive and Gadbois. They can chip him with back, or chip him with Clive before he goes out for a pass. I think flipping their defensive ends would be terrible, personnally.
It's very simple IMO, if Kaaya struggles we lose, Miami will not beat Nebraska with their running game.
Our coaching staff is so outgunned, they make any reasonably competent staff we face look like the second coming of Saban.

Their gameplan probably doesn't matter b/c our defensive scheme and schizophrenic play calling makes theirs look brilliant. Prepared for a long evening, AGAIN.