My Post Game Recap: Southern Miss

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Remember when everybody told me I was crazy when I said TVD might not be the same QB under a different system? Lashlee isn't here anymore and TVD doesn't look sharp. Late throws and missing OPEN receivers today. Hopefully we get it's together to go on the road. Can you imagine if App St beats A&M and we struggle? This board was a melt down today, I can't only imagine what it will look like if that was to happen. Everybody on this board expects a 7-5 team to blow everybody out 9 months later
Have you seen the gameday thread? There will be a meltdown the first 5 yard run we give up
Regarding the offense: I totally get the plan to go slow and chew clock because in these cupcake games less plays equals less opportunity for injury. HOWEVER I only feel this way if that indeed was the plan. We can go slow. But change it up every now and then. Tyler looked best when we, wait for it, we’re in a 3 minute drill. Gee I wonder why
I understand you want a calm,cool,collected qb back there but TVD is too lethargic and slow. Not slow as in running. He’s horrible fit for a tempo
Offense. Drives me crazy watching him it’s like he’s in slow motion Getting to the next play. Way to slow and he’s making terrible decisions on zone read options. He’s had plenty of time to learn this offense.
It’s just not having the feel
For this offense.
He actually looked best when we played up tempo last year. Against USM where we played sliw, especially the 1st half, TVD looked like he was uncomfortable and thinking too much instead of just playing.
Finally watched the condensed version of this game. Offensively we need to be more aggressive with the play calls and better protection will be key in College Station. Defensively I'd like to see more pressure via blitzes and man press at the LOS with our vaunted CBs. We let outside WRs release freely too often.
Regarding the offense: I totally get the plan to go slow and chew clock because in these cupcake games less plays equals less opportunity for injury. HOWEVER I only feel this way if that indeed was the plan. We can go slow. But change it up every now and then. Tyler looked best when we, wait for it, we’re in a 3 minute drill. Gee I wonder why
it reminded me of Brock Berlin against UF. Coker really ****ed him
Finally watched the condensed version of this game. Offensively we need to be more aggressive with the play calls and better protection will be key in College Station. Defensively I'd like to see more pressure via blitzes and man press at the LOS with our vaunted CBs. We let outside WRs release freely too often.
our CBs are trash (at least the one thats playing mostly right now - cough cough)

Im hoping mesidor is healthy
Loved the recap. You always give a very thorough and detailed breakdown and this was no exception.

I agree on all points but I'll say this right now. If Mario's plan truly is to turn us into a BIG team then we can all forget about playoffs and all that other crap because that ultimately will not work here. You said it all when you said the offense needs more tempo and pace. If this is the type of pace and the type of offense that Mario envisions then we will never be able to recruit elite QBs or WRs moving forward. I just cannot believe that he isn't smart enough to realize that. I think Mario is trying to toughen us up and that this phase is something that we must go through before he begins to loosen up and pick up the pace. The man is too intelligent not to see that at Miami the fans don't want a boring methodical offense that has to be perfect in order to score. He has to see that doesn't he?
Forgetting what the fans want, it is what our local natural resources are best suited for. And candidly, it is what the recent playoff and championship teams outside of Georgia have adopted, Alabama included.
Forgetting what the fans want, it is what our local natural resources are best suited for. And candidly, it is what the recent playoff and championship teams outside of Georgia have adopted, Alabama included.
and uga lost their best returning receiver to the portal to Bama bc of their offense
Loved the recap. You always give a very thorough and detailed breakdown and this was no exception.

I agree on all points but I'll say this right now. If Mario's plan truly is to turn us into a BIG team then we can all forget about playoffs and all that other crap because that ultimately will not work here. You said it all when you said the offense needs more tempo and pace. If this is the type of pace and the type of offense that Mario envisions then we will never be able to recruit elite QBs or WRs moving forward. I just cannot believe that he isn't smart enough to realize that. I think Mario is trying to toughen us up and that this phase is something that we must go through before he begins to loosen up and pick up the pace. The man is too intelligent not to see that at Miami the fans don't want a boring methodical offense that has to be perfect in order to score. He has to see that doesn't he?
Mario isnt gonna be stubborn. gattis may be lol bc **** Harbaugh slightly demoted him and stepped in to get better results his final year there. either way, cupcakes are mostly done now so well see what it really is now
I think (hope) where Bama's offense has trended since the Kiffin-era is where Mario wants this to go.
agreed but selfishly I would've liked to seen it against cupcakes (to me thats when youre able to practice it in live game situations) but as long as we get something functional im good.
In terms of Gattis not opening it up yet, there is a lot of evidence to back that up but at the same time we always say that on this board and what turns out is that what we see early in the season is who the OC is and there isn't anything else he is saving for the big game. This could be different but I'm tired of being disappointed.
So if you practice the plays, but don't use them, what are you teaching the players? Open the book in practice and close it in the game??
Idk, I personally think it would be silly for Gattis to be showing all his stuff against the likes of Bethune and Southern Miss for TAMU to have film on. I know everyone wants the high flying attack on offense but
1. We didn’t need to do that and 2. It’s game two with completely new staffs on both sides of the ball. Fair points being made but let’s see how the staff performs next week before we start panicking about how the offense will scare recruits away
So TAMU took those losses so Miami wouldn't have tape on their real plays?
I think the hope is we’ll see something different for TAMU next week.

I’m inclined to believe they’ve kept things vanilla because Bethune & USM were two cupcakes on the early schedule.

The only questions I really have (regarding the Offense) is:
- How will we respond if we’re playing from behind?
(Meaning what do we do if we end up down by 10+ points at some point during a game? Do we stick with the game plan or do we get more aggressive & attack?)

- Can we keep up in a high scoring game?

Those questions will be answered as the season goes on, but those are really it for me, otherwise I don’t hold this performance too much against them in the sense that it was basically just another scrimmage lol.

But next Saturday is the real litmus test for this team, TAMU is a complete joke of a team & just lost to a much lesser talented G5 program, if we can’t figure out how to beat them then something is definitely wrong, even in year 1...
Can we keep up in a high scoring game? Man idk but we will find out against unc. They will score on anyone and maye looks to be as good as Howell. I find it incredible that app state went toe to toe with unc in a vintage big12 shootout scoring 60 and giving up 60 and then won in a big10 Iowa slugfest scoring 17. It’s impressive