My class grades and analysis...


Sep 18, 2012
First off I'll look at needs...And this is by no means bible, because I'm not sure of every bit of attrition that still may take place or what went on this fall and will go on this spring on the practice field. There are also some position changes that I THINK or READ may or will be happening...The only one I'm counting on when I rank these needs is one of Finley to LB...I'm pretty sure watching his high school clips and seeing on field that this will happen, AND if it doesn't...It will prob happen with D. Smith. I don't think both stay at LB, let's put it that way

Other position changes that may happen...Bethel to DT (think this happens), Fines to OL (prob inconsequential either way, but maybe he can provide depth there, he is not a total miss at DT, just never will be in top 3 or 4...Career backup. I could also see Langham to TE for his last year to provide depth. Redwine possibly to S.

But as of now I'd rank team needs as follows

Dire: OL (prob #1 if you twist my arm), CB, WR
Def Needs (in an approx/not def order): DT, S, RB, P, QB, TE, DE
Build depth but can be selective: LB (this bumps up to next category if Finley stays at S)
Can Wait, but take if wowed: K

***For these grades I'm counting the following players at these positions which can also change:
Njoku WR (could end up TE)
Dallas CB (could end up WR, or even FS)
D. Smith S (Could end up LB)

Again this is all off tape for me, I don't see them live.

QB= A- Like em both, but I'm obv no expert. I do think Perry is a bit raw though. Oozing with talent, just getting away with a ton of things right now on talent alone. Needs work. Like Weldon as a #2, but not sure if he can ever be more than that.

RB= C Burns. Major, major gamble with Burns imo...Does this kid want to play football? Point blank. Obviously the soph clips were good. Reminds me of Jamal Lewis on tape. Breakaway speed and will prob play at 215-220. Hope Richt busts his *** this spring, see what he's about. I don't understand why Colin Wilson wasn't recruited more...Maybe they seen something they didn't like off the junior injury? Not a big year for RB in the state. Bryan not a take for me early, but when in emergency mode with a chance to help both AH and STA pipelines I take him late.

WR = B+ THOMAS is as good as it gets as a slot prospect imo, and may be a D.Jackson/S.Moss type that not only is slot, but also play on the outside. Some red flags grade wise with him...Need him or this is a miss. NJOKU looks pretty good, not sure which position he ends up at. HARLEY a nice #3, needs weight...Dorsett is a good comparison there, but what I do like a lot about him (and I said numerous times when they were shooting high early, that I can live without him) is his route running...If what he does in games is as crisp and sudden as in those 7-7 clips, this kid will be a factor here. Dallas can help this group as well, Njoku to TE can hurt it....Much bigger year in Sofla at the position next year. Wouldn't have argued with Dingle, but can live without him.

TE= B Be comes a bigger need and maybe even a slight whiff if Haskins rumors are true. I don't mind what I seen from POLENDEY at all. Njoku could help this position, and it definitely wouldn't be a shock if he ends up here. Gamble maybe was a take?

OL= A- Absolutely needed 4, 5 was the target and that's what they got. DONALDSON, HERBERT, GAYNOR, HILLERY, DYKSTRA. Getting Donaldson in early was the key and I think he's in the top 7 next year and probably a starting guard. Herbert needs work but has upside, reminds me a little of St. Louis. Drake and Telfort available locally, but they got their 5.

DT= C Thought all year they should take more than 1...But unless they were wowed it was apparent that they were fine with just FORD. Makes me think Bethel to DT has a good chance of happening. If Jenkins stays I think they really should redshirt Moten. Like Ford's frame a lot. Glen Logan would really be awesome.

DE= A- Nice Haul here with GARVIN and DJ JOHNSON... Great job of holding on to Johnson, no idea how they pulled that off and hope it's a sign of things to come with Kul. I think only 1 will redshirt and Garvin def needs some weight but he's in early. I would have taken J. Wright at any stage of the game...And he woulda been my #1 call when we missed guys at the end.

LB= B- Little bit of a mystery...Seems like Diaz jumped on some guys early that don't wow you on tape. WILDER is fast and violent, but looks a little stiff and even being old for his grade is EXTREMELY raw. STEED early on was exciting but now is off of 2 injured seasons. If nothing else it's depth behind our soph. studs. JENNINGS is a mike prospect but agree with you all, he looks kinda average. Not Dmitri Stewart type average...But maybe a step slow for a UM backer. Will be interesting here....J. Houston senior injury maybe made him a tough take, but does he get you Slaton? (supposedly best friends) Shannon Reid and Ventrell Miller seemed to have a lot of interest too, and my untrained eye liked both a little better than what we got.

CB= B+ Again I think this is where DJ DALLAS at least starts his career, not sure much of a choice now. Henderson is the biggest miss in this year's class imo as I think it's clear he was our #1 target at the position. DEAN softens that blow, and even though it took Bama ignoring him to land here, it's still good we got back on him as our Henderson and CB situation became murky. You can make an argument Dean and Dallas our right there with Donaldson as the most important recruits in this class. Not sure how good BANDY will end up as there is size/speed limitations there, but he has the intangibles and has done it on the field against high comp...An excellent #3 corner in any class imo. We recruited the **** out of this position and just lost on guys...3 more needed next year and hopefully Rumph improves going forward, as he's taking it on the chin right now. Collier maybe? He and Edwards were interchangeable from day 1 in my book.

S= B AMARI CARTER is absolutely destroying people in his senior clips...I don't think he is a lock as far as coverage, but at the least he will be a starting strong safety at some point in his UM career...AT LEAST. Lot to like there.... D. SMITH appears to make up for possible lack of hips with good instincts, ball skills, and of course he can bring it too...I liked Gibson a lot, but that didn't happen, most likely for a combo of reasons. Edwards showed improvement senior year, and I think was interesting as either big corner or free safety...Wasn't a must get, but hurt getting whipped by UF across the board in the secondary. I didn't mind the late back up plan Carter on tape either...They kinda wanted 3, but with the monster safety class in South Florida next season can live with 2. Again Smith to LB can hurt this grade, and I think AT LEAST 1 of Finley or he will end up there.

Other grades:

Dade= B+ 5 out of 8 offers, Henderson the big miss...Counted Gibson as an offer although some gray area there. Dean a 6th Dade boy I didn't include

Broward=C 3 out of 10 offers...Nice little finish here with Harley and a big get with Herbert, or this was looking like D- or F! . Broward continues to be a thorn, gotta get that up to 50% or a little under the kids we offered from there.

OVERALL SOUTH FLA INCLUDING PALM BEACH COUNTY GRADE= B ... Palm Beach continues to be a pleasant surprise as UM got 2 out of 3 from PBC off of 3 big gets last year.

All in all good but not great class...Mcfarland and (to a lesser extent a backup plan) and of course Henderson are the misses. The class is 1 big time WR/CB away from being a B+...Right now this is a Golden type class (or would rank as the 2nd best Golden class), and Golden did have his moments as a recruiter. It is stronger on the OL than any Golden class ever was, that's the major positive here and all 3 of the major needs were met somewhat, although I gave CB and WR both just B+. The lack of one more either CB or WR, the lack of a 2nd DT, and the injury prone Burns stops me from grading this any higher while admitting there is a lot I like here. Burns and Thomas both being risky at positions where we need help sealed the deal for me going B instead of B+. And it is definitely worth nothing that the staff did an EXCELLENT national job outside of the McFarland debacle., and is better on the field than Golden and co..Need to improve in South Florida and I think Richt is starting to realize just how tough SoFla is for Miami right now. Next year he will have a bigger net to cast though at secondary and WR again. My money is on the staff continuing to build relationships and adjusting. Just have to find out where the DT are going to come from

OVERALL GRADE= B (Can't argue with most national rankings between 10 and 15ish)

EXTREMELY Early Rank of next year's needs (again so much can change with transfers in and out, position changes, player development etc). But this is based on where the position I have players slotted in above. For instance DT would still be a big need if Bethel moves, but DE would also bump up a little too. DJ Dallas, Njoku positions, etc...

Dire: DT (Clear #1), RB, CB, K,
Definite: WR, S, DE, QB, TE
Build Depth but can be selective: LB, OL
Be really picky: None

Projected Numbers for Next year (gonna assume 21-23 for next year):

QB: 0-1 (never like to pass)
RB: 2-3
WR: 3-4
TE: 1-2
OL: 2

DT: 2-3
DE: 2-3
LB: 1-2
CB 3
S: 3
K: 1
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great write up, skeeter. best ive seen yet.

agree with you on ventrell miller. not sure if we just didnt go that hard after him or there wasnt much interest on his end, but wouldve liked him over jennings or wilder.

i wont be surprised if DJ Johnson makes the move inside at some point in his career. I think D. Smith and A. Carter both stick at safety.

like with any class, you dont grade it in a vacuum. its all about how it complements the two surrounding classes. 2018 needs to be the year of the RB, DB, & a pair of big time DT prospects(depending on DJ Johnson).
Skeeter my boy that was an awesome class review. It's good to see you posting in here, eventhough this place is a cesspool.
Skeeter my boy that was an awesome class review. It's good to see you posting in here, eventhough this place is a cesspool.

Haha...yeah it can be. But I pick and choose....Gotta get away now that NSD is over. Like reading some of D Money, Lib City, and others local analysis. And Pete is obviously as good a source as any.

Just figured I'd share my thoughts. Thanks.
Very good work. I agree with analysis. I would add an asterisk on RB, IF Edwards stays. Would we want GE to stay versus McFarland? I would. That would bump RB to a B IMO although, obviously, not a real " recruit". I would rank the WR class a little higher based on the game changer possibilities of Thomas and Harley, ie, A-.
Cb- c maybe d
RB- d

If Dallas doesn't pay corner, than ya CB C on paper...But again it's all on paper. And paper gets thrown right out window once they hit practice field! Burns has major red flags for me...BUT he can prove me wrong real quick, ball the **** out and RB becomes an A just like that, ya never know.
Very good work. I agree with analysis. I would add an asterisk on RB, IF Edwards stays. Would we want GE to stay versus McFarland? I would. That would bump RB to a B IMO although, obviously, not a real " recruit". I would rank the WR class a little higher based on the game changer possibilities of Thomas and Harley, ie, A-.

I wouldn't want Edwards over Macfarland at all...But ya the need for a big back is noted and maybe Burns or Gray is that for us quick...I've given up on Edwards though. No vision, runs too high. When he puts on the weight he slows down, when he slims up he seems to lose power. I mean could he help us---yes...Definitely. BUT, I'd clearly rather have Macfarland than Gus Edwards.

Thanks for input though.
Henderson will not see the field much as a CB at UF..he will end up at wr... Henderson or Edwards are not misses because other than speed (Henderson) they don't possess anything more impressive than what Cooney was brought here to get in 2018.... Both would have provided depth and that's why they made business decisions to go elsewhere.....

Next year we have to win and win big in order to get these kids to want to compete and face the reality of sitting a few years before playing time like at Bama, Fsu and OSU

The kids we "missed" know how to read depth charts and they know who is up next as in next years recruits..we got the O-line class we did because they all feel they can play and play early for a rising team

Kids like McFarland are a luxury but I didn't see Warrick Dunn in him with that said who on our current roster would he have supplanted and would he be able to hold off a Lingard or Cam Davis not a hard "Stay Home" sell for Durken

Same thing @ WR and CB
Miami needs to build off last years 5 win finish in order to be in the Chip Stacking mode of Bama and Fsu
If DJ ends up at CB, this is an A CB class. Great athleticism and speed with Dean, Bandy, and DJ.

The obsession with CBs boggles my mind. Redwine, Bandy, Young, and Dean plus DJ is a fine top 5 and good enough talent wise to win the ACC. We just have to put that talent into results and we'll see just how good Rumph is in getting them game ready ASAP.

I think not having a backup plan at RB is the biggest ***kup of the class. I think DT is a concern as well but obviously the coaches have a plan whether through JUCO or position switches. I think Diaz's comments about bringing a new breed of DT and talking about Ford is a hint that they are planning to go the Tommie Harris route with their DT evaluations.
I have to think our offensive scheme this year had a negative effect on RB recruiting. Kaaya never played under center and our O line had zero ability to run block. Our best offensive success came when we went to a modified Texas high school 7 on 7 offense. Which could be partially why we did so well with WR recruiting.

Food for thought.
Great post - one additional thought - not sure we have given this coaching staff enough credit it getting our True Frosh ready to contribute this past year
- If they do the same thing next year - we will be young and talented next year
I have to think our offensive scheme this year had a negative effect on RB recruiting. Kaaya never played under center and our O line had zero ability to run block. Our best offensive success came when we went to a modified Texas high school 7 on 7 offense. Which could be partially why we did so well with WR recruiting.

Food for thought.

Can't argue, good points...We had no semblance of a running game against a front 7 with a pulse...Other than NCSt. We somehow managed to run against a decent from there I believe.