Musberger to retire Jan 31st!

Old *** creeper should have retired years ago.
Wonder if he's going to get a going away present and announce the Miami/Notre Dammit game...Never cared for him after he expressed his love of Notre Dame..
He's been terrific. I always appreciated that he acknowledged the betting side of the games, dating to the high profile association with Jimmy the Greek Snyder on CBS in the '70s to recent years when he'd make sly references to certain people paying attention to a seemingly meaningless late score. So many of the commentators are petrified to go that route.

There's been a well known trend in betting circles for decades that the underdog fares well in games Musberger calls, for whatever reason. I generally scoff at that type of thing but when you see the list broken down, it's kind of remarkable.

BTW, the best current segment on TV is Scott Van Pelt with the bad beats on Monday Night Sportscenter. Too bad they don't have an occasional historical segment...the all time bad beats. I could supply plenty, like the time I had a PGA golfer with an 18 shot lead in a head to head matchup with 6 holes remaining in the final round, and lost the bet.

I have no idea why Canes fans have so much animosity toward Musberger, other than on this site the loud SAM ranting conventional wisdom is a necessity, to fit in with fellow ranters. Musberger always demonstrated a semi-awe toward the Canes in their glory years. Instead of questioning whether Andre Brown actually caught the ball on 4th down against Notre Dame in 1988, Musberger immediately gushed, "Aren't they something...?"

He did err in believing Cleveland Gary fumbled the ball earlier in the 4th quarter. But if you have followed his career he almost always thinks the borderline plays of that are fumbles. It's been consistent for 40+ years.

There were several other games in which Musberger gave Miami the benefit of a doubt long after the outcome was decided in the other team's favor.

I appreciate that Musberger transitioned into college football announcing prominence later in his career after being associated with the NFL earlier. But I'll always remember him primarily for those NFL Today shows in the '70s, and the dramatic, "You're looking live..." intro. The pregame shows were as anticipated as the games in those days, since you had so many commanding personalities in the booth. The NFL Today intro was topped only by the Cosell Monday Night Football intro.
He's been terrific. I always appreciated that he acknowledged the betting side of the games, dating to the high profile association with Jimmy the Greek Snyder on CBS in the '70s to recent years when he'd make sly references to certain people paying attention to a seemingly meaningless late score. So many of the commentators are petrified to go that route.

There's been a well known trend in betting circles for decades that the underdog fares well in games Musberger calls, for whatever reason. I generally scoff at that type of thing but when you see the list broken down, it's kind of remarkable.

BTW, the best current segment on TV is Scott Van Pelt with the bad beats on Monday Night Sportscenter. Too bad they don't have an occasional historical segment...the all time bad beats. I could supply plenty, like the time I had a PGA golfer with an 18 shot lead in a head to head matchup with 6 holes remaining in the final round, and lost the bet.

I have no idea why Canes fans have so much animosity toward Musberger, other than on this site the loud SAM ranting conventional wisdom is a necessity, to fit in with fellow ranters. Musberger always demonstrated a semi-awe toward the Canes in their glory years. Instead of questioning whether Andre Brown actually caught the ball on 4th down against Notre Dame in 1988, Musberger immediately gushed, "Aren't they something...?"

He did err in believing Cleveland Gary fumbled the ball earlier in the 4th quarter. But if you have followed his career he almost always thinks the borderline plays of that are fumbles. It's been consistent for 40+ years.

There were several other games in which Musberger gave Miami the benefit of a doubt long after the outcome was decided in the other team's favor.

I appreciate that Musberger transitioned into college football announcing prominence later in his career after being associated with the NFL earlier. But I'll always remember him primarily for those NFL Today shows in the '70s, and the dramatic, "You're looking live..." intro. The pregame shows were as anticipated as the games in those days, since you had so many commanding personalities in the booth. The NFL Today intro was topped only by the Cosell Monday Night Football intro.

Don't let the door hit you on the way out, Brent!

Was always an insufferable broadcaster with a "holier than thou" attitude
Dooger, you may be too young to remember, but he was very vocal about Miami dropping football. Also in the mid 80's, he soundly berated Miami for running up the score on Notre Dame.....Of all teams, Notre Dame who consistently ran up the score in the 50's to 70's over lesser teams. We beat them 58-7....just wish it could have been 70 to 0. I won't miss mushbugger at all.