Moves are being made

Choose not to listen that’s all good. My opinion is Manny wasn’t a lazy hire, he was a hire filled with unfulfilled promises as far as the structure of the program. And if you think CMR wasn’t blowing sunshine about Manny not only to BJ but to everyone with influence you’re severely misinformed. The culprit of the hire was BJ and his incompetence. No not everyone was on board but the wagon was filled enough to justify the hire in his eyes. If anyone was lazy it was those who took the word of BJ and just blessed his thoughts with zero oversight and constructive criticism.

I’m not for Chud, I’m for hiring the best guy that will make this program what it should be so we can agree on that point. But using anything involving the Browns prior to the last year or two is a pretty rough reference point. Enjoy your vantage point, everyone is entitled to it. Again, my view comes firsthand often times or at least passed on by reputable people who are right more times than they are wrong.

Anyone who says any group of 5 or other scolding hot next great coaching candidate is dying to take this job is wrong, I 100% can confirm that with the way the program sits at this moment. What does that leave you with?

Manny Diaz was the lazy hire. Diaz was hired within 24 hours of Richt stepping down. No other interviews took place. Whenever a program hires a coordinator and no interviews take place with any other candidate, it’s a lazy hire.
Manny Diaz was the lazy hire. Diaz was hired within 24 hours of Richt stepping down. No other interviews took place. Whenever a program hires a coordinator and no interviews take place with any other candidate, it’s a lazy hire.
There's never been a less lazy or thoughtless hire. So unprofessional, it boggles the mind. How Blake hasn't been fired yet, when all of our major sports are in the crapper, is mind-boggling.
This has me more hopeful. Sounds like a big time power struggle going on at this point. Hopefully the good guys win out and we set ourselves back on the track of major
Manny Diaz was the lazy hire. Diaz was hired within 24 hours of Richt stepping down. No other interviews took place. Whenever a program hires a coordinator and no interviews take place with any other candidate, it’s a lazy hire.
Your take. I can 100% confirm that Mammy gave him an ultimatum from what should have been a position of limited to zero power and BJ fell for it hook, line, and sinker. All with a push from a coach who brought you back some instant credibility, fans in the seats, money from both his and other pockets, and a sense of a little stability.
Let’s use some context guys,

Would any of you accept a new job without knowing who your boss would be, knowing that the department was cleaning up messes from the last boss?

It doesnt surprise that there isnt much traction because of where we are in the current season and the trash still needs to be taken out.

Once Manny and BJ are fired the interest and dialogue will pick up

Yes. As I sit here today reading a message board thinking about a toilet and oven I've got to fix, I would accept the job as head coach at UM without knowing the pay or my boss.
Your take. I can 100% confirm that Mammy gave him an ultimatum from what should have been a position of limited to zero power and BJ fell for it hook, line, and sinker. All with a push from a coach who brought you back some instant credibility, fans in the seats, money from both his and other pockets, and a sense of a little stability.
I'm not disagreeing with THAT. I'm disagreeing with you saying this wasn't a lazy hire. It was. We all know it. No other interviews; hired within 24 hours of Richt's resignation. That is laziness. All other information is just window dressing. the hire was lazy and careless. and it hurt the program.
Your take. I can 100% confirm that Mammy gave him an ultimatum from what should have been a position of limited to zero power and BJ fell for it hook, line, and sinker. All with a push from a coach who brought you back some instant credibility, fans in the seats, money from both his and other pockets, and a sense of a little stability.
It sounds like not only did BJ fall for it, but made promises he never intended to keep. It doesn't look like there's a good guy at all in any of this.
Your take. I can 100% confirm that Mammy gave him an ultimatum from what should have been a position of limited to zero power and BJ fell for it hook, line, and sinker. All with a push from a coach who brought you back some instant credibility, fans in the seats, money from both his and other pockets, and a sense of a little stability.
So Richt is the Jekyll and Hyde in this story? Got us upgrades only to push for Manny. Yep, we cursed.
@OriginalCanesCanesCanes is correct. This message may get lost in the shuffle of endless pages but here goes nothing.

First. OP saying moves being made behind BJ’s back is incorrect, unless you consider the usual informal back room channels being worked as “moves” which I don’t. The animosity and strife between the administration at the university, athletic, and external support levels is sky high. EVERYONE is aware of it and some have had the testicular fortitude to make it known face to face, I can firsthand assure you of that.

Second. I can tell you the foundation of the sales job Blake pulled when it comes to snatching Manny. The sales job went beyond just the closed doors of the prez and members of the board.

First let me say I don’t blame Manny. He was handed the keys to a super car which needed some work but by all accounts was on the mend. It’s not his fault he’s over his head. We’d all take the job as well. The understanding and promise of what was relayed by BJ and others who supported and facilitated the hire was contingent on conditions, first and foremost, the hiring and advising of someone who would walk Manny along in the journey of running the program. Performance will get both Manny and BJ canned yes. However, the failure to follow through with what was just mentioned will ultimately be the downfall. The failure to follow through in that guarantee provided by both of them has rubbed the university admin very wrong, including JF. Especially considering that Manny and BJ didn’t follow through with the promise out of fear of being exposed for who they are, i.e. being way over their heads. Ed was brought in post that promise not being honored as window dressing to cover this. My respect for Ed is beyond words. Again I will say firsthand he was not who those who received that promise had in mind. I’m not saying he’s done nothing, far from it. But the questions being raised on here of “where’s Ed”? “What’s Ed’s role” are completely a product of the window dressing of the position.

Third. I’ve heard varying opinions on JF’s involvement in the athletic department. Those who say he has no concern over the athletic department are both right and wrong. JF’s primary concern is not athletics. I’d argue that’s a good thing so long as the athletic admin knows what they are doing which we know is not the case. My understanding, at least what has been relayed by him, is he has at least listened to the trusted voices who have pressed a need for change. HE DOES want athletics to be successful although that’s not at the top of his list. It has been presented to him that you can have it both ways, but that it can’t be the case with someone like BJ. The massive hurdle now is the external source used to bring in the next AD. Again I will reiterate this conversation is not an unknown to BJ. I referenced him being canned earlier. The canning will not be via formal termination. The canning will be via him moving to another program under a “mutual understanding”. I can tell you BJ puts out the image of a mute, submissive little man. Don’t let that image fool you as he’s as stubborn and immovable as a boulder who’s too inept to realize he belongs anywhere but an athletics department. He’s been a yes man to those who matter in the admin to the point where they will take care of him to secure his ouster.

I understand the doom and gloom around the athletics department as a whole. But get this straight. Manny was not a lazy hire. Manny was a hire made under false pretenses by an absolute buffoon of an AD. The GD hire on my side of the athletic sphere was, and yes it was driven by connections and $. But make no mistake from a resume standpoint GD is light years ahead of Manny whether it ends up working or not.

The old saying of “you as a leader will be judged by who you delegate your authority to” is the primary issue at Miami and it starts from the prez all the way down to Manny who does not have the ability or willingness to place strong and knowledgeable generals around him. As much as I wish JF was not commanding this ship understand HE IS open to and moving toward a change at AD, at least that’s what he’s insinuated. The question now is the timing of such a move.

I’m going to be very careful with how I word this. Yes there has been informal contact with a few who are potential replacements for Manny. The commonality amongst all the temperatures of those contacted is the mess that is the athletic admin. And yes that is part of and most likely the most compelling argument for change pushed to JF and others. Yes it’s taken too long and we don’t like the path taken but based on what I know I will tell you changes are coming beyond just Manny.

Last but not least. I’m not a betting man but I will give my thoughts on who will be our next coach. My thoughts are based again not on feeling but instead what I’ve been told. Some I hope I’m wrong with but reality is reality. Unless his current trajectory of success changes for the worse it will be a very hard pull to lure MC, at least for now. I keep hearing $ as the reason. $ IS NOT the reason as contrary to belief it will be there if and when need be. The thought that MC is destined to land here because of outside variables is foolish. He’s a football guy through and through and he has a very very good thing going at Oregon which treats their athletics like gold. Yes there is intrigue on his part but intrigue will not alone make it happen. Our reputation as a **** show athletic department is not lost on MC and others who have been contacted. Unless you see wholesale changes prior to or right at the end of the season there will not be a chance to get him, even if that chance is slim to begin with.

Obviously Corch O has been mentioned as well. To my understanding there is a 0% chance this happens. The admin is not willing to take on anyone with any sort of past, whether directly involved or not, to lead the football team. I can tell you a former WVU coach has been informally contacted by ultimately someone with no dog in the fight other than being a very large financial donor. Not going to happen either based on some of the issues with past players and reputation. This is one area will JF has ZERO wiggle room for exception.

I do not believe we have any chance with any of the better known group of 5 coaches either. Quite frankly I think this is a good thing based on the AG experiment and some other experiences around football. WE ARE NOT viewed as a premier job and unfortunately it looks as if there will be some big shake ups at premier schools with a much better situation than we have now.

The biggest open door for me based on talk and upside is Chud. The biggest obstacle with him was his experience with the dysfunction in Cleveland and the **** show that is our situation. That being said HE IS there for the taking should we move fast enough. Yes there has been informal contact by many within the program. Again, not by decision makers but instead by influencers. Unlike some his sole goal is not the pro game. We’d be making a massive mistake if we did not lock him down. He checks every single box whether it be the “Miami guy” need or most importantly in my mind a track record of success who hasn’t burned any legitimate bridges by his doing along the way. Being in his early 50’s he’s the perfect combination of success and experience combined with the wiggle room of having another 10 or so years left to be at the top of his game.

Above all I’m holding out hope some of it all of what I’ve heard will happen. My family’s track record with Miami athletics goes back to the 40’s with the many of those years having someone occupying a spot on one team or another. Everything I’ve provided is not based on speculation but instead conversations I’ve had first hand with people I trust. Go Canes and someone please hit the fast forward button in our lives right now.
You do not contact Mario if you are not committed to making this the best athletic department it can possibly be. If you do commit to that, and have a presentation for him proving so, then it's definitely possible.
@OriginalCanesCanesCanes is correct. This message may get lost in the shuffle of endless pages but here goes nothing.

First. OP saying moves being made behind BJ’s back is incorrect, unless you consider the usual informal back room channels being worked as “moves” which I don’t. The animosity and strife between the administration at the university, athletic, and external support levels is sky high. EVERYONE is aware of it and some have had the testicular fortitude to make it known face to face, I can firsthand assure you of that.

Second. I can tell you the foundation of the sales job Blake pulled when it comes to snatching Manny. The sales job went beyond just the closed doors of the prez and members of the board.

First let me say I don’t blame Manny. He was handed the keys to a super car which needed some work but by all accounts was on the mend. It’s not his fault he’s over his head. We’d all take the job as well. The understanding and promise of what was relayed by BJ and others who supported and facilitated the hire was contingent on conditions, first and foremost, the hiring and advising of someone who would walk Manny along in the journey of running the program. Performance will get both Manny and BJ canned yes. However, the failure to follow through with what was just mentioned will ultimately be the downfall. The failure to follow through in that guarantee provided by both of them has rubbed the university admin very wrong, including JF. Especially considering that Manny and BJ didn’t follow through with the promise out of fear of being exposed for who they are, i.e. being way over their heads. Ed was brought in post that promise not being honored as window dressing to cover this. My respect for Ed is beyond words. Again I will say firsthand he was not who those who received that promise had in mind. I’m not saying he’s done nothing, far from it. But the questions being raised on here of “where’s Ed”? “What’s Ed’s role” are completely a product of the window dressing of the position.

Third. I’ve heard varying opinions on JF’s involvement in the athletic department. Those who say he has no concern over the athletic department are both right and wrong. JF’s primary concern is not athletics. I’d argue that’s a good thing so long as the athletic admin knows what they are doing which we know is not the case. My understanding, at least what has been relayed by him, is he has at least listened to the trusted voices who have pressed a need for change. HE DOES want athletics to be successful although that’s not at the top of his list. It has been presented to him that you can have it both ways, but that it can’t be the case with someone like BJ. The massive hurdle now is the external source used to bring in the next AD. Again I will reiterate this conversation is not an unknown to BJ. I referenced him being canned earlier. The canning will not be via formal termination. The canning will be via him moving to another program under a “mutual understanding”. I can tell you BJ puts out the image of a mute, submissive little man. Don’t let that image fool you as he’s as stubborn and immovable as a boulder who’s too inept to realize he belongs anywhere but an athletics department. He’s been a yes man to those who matter in the admin to the point where they will take care of him to secure his ouster.

I understand the doom and gloom around the athletics department as a whole. But get this straight. Manny was not a lazy hire. Manny was a hire made under false pretenses by an absolute buffoon of an AD. The GD hire on my side of the athletic sphere was, and yes it was driven by connections and $. But make no mistake from a resume standpoint GD is light years ahead of Manny whether it ends up working or not.

The old saying of “you as a leader will be judged by who you delegate your authority to” is the primary issue at Miami and it starts from the prez all the way down to Manny who does not have the ability or willingness to place strong and knowledgeable generals around him. As much as I wish JF was not commanding this ship understand HE IS open to and moving toward a change at AD, at least that’s what he’s insinuated. The question now is the timing of such a move.

I’m going to be very careful with how I word this. Yes there has been informal contact with a few who are potential replacements for Manny. The commonality amongst all the temperatures of those contacted is the mess that is the athletic admin. And yes that is part of and most likely the most compelling argument for change pushed to JF and others. Yes it’s taken too long and we don’t like the path taken but based on what I know I will tell you changes are coming beyond just Manny.

Last but not least. I’m not a betting man but I will give my thoughts on who will be our next coach. My thoughts are based again not on feeling but instead what I’ve been told. Some I hope I’m wrong with but reality is reality. Unless his current trajectory of success changes for the worse it will be a very hard pull to lure MC, at least for now. I keep hearing $ as the reason. $ IS NOT the reason as contrary to belief it will be there if and when need be. The thought that MC is destined to land here because of outside variables is foolish. He’s a football guy through and through and he has a very very good thing going at Oregon which treats their athletics like gold. Yes there is intrigue on his part but intrigue will not alone make it happen. Our reputation as a **** show athletic department is not lost on MC and others who have been contacted. Unless you see wholesale changes prior to or right at the end of the season there will not be a chance to get him, even if that chance is slim to begin with.

Obviously Corch O has been mentioned as well. To my understanding there is a 0% chance this happens. The admin is not willing to take on anyone with any sort of past, whether directly involved or not, to lead the football team. I can tell you a former WVU coach has been informally contacted by ultimately someone with no dog in the fight other than being a very large financial donor. Not going to happen either based on some of the issues with past players and reputation. This is one area will JF has ZERO wiggle room for exception.

I do not believe we have any chance with any of the better known group of 5 coaches either. Quite frankly I think this is a good thing based on the AG experiment and some other experiences around football. WE ARE NOT viewed as a premier job and unfortunately it looks as if there will be some big shake ups at premier schools with a much better situation than we have now.

The biggest open door for me based on talk and upside is Chud. The biggest obstacle with him was his experience with the dysfunction in Cleveland and the **** show that is our situation. That being said HE IS there for the taking should we move fast enough. Yes there has been informal contact by many within the program. Again, not by decision makers but instead by influencers. Unlike some his sole goal is not the pro game. We’d be making a massive mistake if we did not lock him down. He checks every single box whether it be the “Miami guy” need or most importantly in my mind a track record of success who hasn’t burned any legitimate bridges by his doing along the way. Being in his early 50’s he’s the perfect combination of success and experience combined with the wiggle room of having another 10 or so years left to be at the top of his game.

Above all I’m holding out hope some of it all of what I’ve heard will happen. My family’s track record with Miami athletics goes back to the 40’s with the many of those years having someone occupying a spot on one team or another. Everything I’ve provided is not based on speculation but instead conversations I’ve had first hand with people I trust. Go Canes and someone please hit the fast forward button in our lives right now.

This is the part that concerns me the most.

"The canning will not be via formal termination. The canning will be via him moving to another program under a “mutual understanding”. ... he’s as stubborn and immovable as a boulder who’s too inept to realize he belongs anywhere but an athletics department. ... The question now is the timing of such a move."

Then there's this little gem in the part about Mario, which likely applies to every coach out there.
"Unless you see wholesale changes prior to or right at the end of the season there will not be a chance to get him..."

If they're telling BJ it won't be a formal termination and he's the stubborn, immovable piece of **** everyone knows he is, the man has NO incentive to look elsewhere, much less leave when the season ends. He's obviously ****ed that he's on the chopping block to begin with. I'm fairly concerned the man is going to do everything he can to fck over the University and his replacement.

He knows other coaches don't want to work for him. So why would he leave right after the season, if A) he's not being forced to, and B) if sticking around hurts our changes of getting a good coach?

He's practically being allowed to ***** us over. Again. This is pretty bad news.
Chud?! I like the guy a lot but I'm sorry as I'd instantly question his passion and motivations for taking the job. For yearrrrrs his name was always mentioned for openings here and it was always very quickly knocked down as him having zero interest. The quickness of these retorts leads one to absolutely believe they were coming from Chud himself.

Now fast forward many years and there's almost zero cache to his name across football and he's in a non-descript position at BC of all places and NOW he has interest? If true, it seems more like either the act of a desperate man or one looking to build his name back up rather than one with some fire to save his alma mater's football program.

I could be too harsh here but this is absolutely a mistake we cannot risk making.
It may have to do with recruiting. If that is the case and he is hired then we are screwed. He hasn't had to recruit in forever and if he isn't good at it to begin with, well we know how that ends.
This has me more hopeful. Sounds like a big time power struggle going on at this point. Hopefully the good guys win out and we set ourselves back on the track of major
Manny Diaz was the lazy hire. Diaz was hired within 24 hours of Richt stepping down. No other interviews took place. Whenever a program hires a coordinator and no interviews take place with any other candidate, it’s a lazy hire.
Your take. I can 100% confirm that Mammy gave him an ultimatum from what should have been a position of limited to zero power and BJ fell for it hook, line, and sinker. All with a push from a coach who brought you back some instant credibility, fans in the seats, money from both his and other pockets, and a sense of a little stability
I'm not disagreeing with THAT. I'm disagreeing with you saying this wasn't a lazy hire. It was. We all know it. No other interviews; hired within 24 hours of Richt's resignation. That is laziness. All other information is just window dressing. the hire was lazy and careless. and it hurt the program.
Fair enough, agree to disagree a bit but I understand the lazy take on it as well. I see it as crumbling under pressure and being cornered by someone who should have no business cornering him. And yes it crushed the program.
So Richt is the Jekyll and Hyde in this story? Got us upgrades only to push for Manny. Yep, we cursed.
So Richt is the Jekyll and Hyde in this story? Got us upgrades only to push for Manny. Yep, we cursed.
CMR is loyal to a fault, we all know that just from the outside. ****, it’s what makes him so endearing to the people he has contact with. I’m no way do I think he gave the push while forsaking the program. I do think it was a naive push that ended up biting us really hard though. Endless loyalty is what gets people canned and causes problems.
This is the part that concerns me the most.

"The canning will not be via formal termination. The canning will be via him moving to another program under a “mutual understanding”. ... he’s as stubborn and immovable as a boulder who’s too inept to realize he belongs anywhere but an athletics department. ... The question now is the timing of such a move."

Then there's this little gem in the part about Mario, which likely applies to every coach out there.
"Unless you see wholesale changes prior to or right at the end of the season there will not be a chance to get him..."

If they're telling BJ it won't be a formal termination and he's the stubborn, immovable piece of **** everyone knows he is, the man has NO incentive to look elsewhere, much less leave when the season ends. He's obviously ****ed that he's on the chopping block to begin with. I'm fairly concerned the man is going to do everything he can to fck over the University and his replacement.

He knows other coaches don't want to work for him. So why would he leave right after the season, if A) he's not being forced to, and B) if sticking around hurts our changes of getting a good coach?

He's practically being allowed to ***** us over. Again. This is pretty bad news.
Understand. However he is looking elsewhere, no choice.