More proof that this staff is relentless

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Why is that cat still allowed to post here?

Why are you allowed to post. Funny you ****ing dumb *** homers get upset about the truth. Yet it's ok to bash 17-18 year old kids on here. **** MAKES NO SENSE. Point out anything I said that was false. ALL THAT MATTERS IS GETTING THE KID TO SIGN. TRUE OR FALSE?


If you're looking to judge the staff this relentlessness is very encouraging. If you followed recruiting under Shannon you'd know he had a sort of entitled way of recruiting. Some kids just won't want to come to Miami, but this is still a great sign.

If you weren't just trying to go against the common sentiment you'd agree, unless you just really don't understand. Either way, you've made no sense this whole thread.

Who cares about Shannon. Even he pulled the number 1 class in the nation at UM. Probably top 15 after that 1st class..... So what are you saying? Nothing.

Anyone can work hard at something, if you don't get results IT'S STILL A FAIL. Fact. How is that hard to understand unless you have orange and green BLINDERS on? Lol at common sentiment.
Toilet paper, you can't hold a ******* gun to the kids head and force him to sign. Some kids just want to go to other schools for whatever reason. The staff does all they can in some situations and still strikes out. Part of the game ******
Why is that cat still allowed to post here?

Why are you allowed to post. Funny you ****ing dumb *** homers get upset about the truth. Yet it's ok to bash 17-18 year old kids on here. **** MAKES NO SENSE. Point out anything I said that was false. ALL THAT MATTERS IS GETTING THE KID TO SIGN. TRUE OR FALSE?


If you're looking to judge the staff this relentlessness is very encouraging. If you followed recruiting under Shannon you'd know he had a sort of entitled way of recruiting. Some kids just won't want to come to Miami, but this is still a great sign.

If you weren't just trying to go against the common sentiment you'd agree, unless you just really don't understand. Either way, you've made no sense this whole thread.

Oh, this guy definitely followed recruiting under Shannon. This guy smells like another descendant of Nights. Same old schtick as all of his other screen names.
Please point out anything that I said that was false. Amazing how multiple posters who are supposedly grown *** men CONSTANTLY BASH 17-18 year old kids(recruits) anytime they do something you don't like. That's how a ***** acts, plain and simple. Have no proof these kids are getting paid, yet anytime golden and staff misses on a kid that's an excuse that is thrown out. More bull****. Before Tracy and Deon picked UM, the go to line of either them or someone associated with them was getting paid. Hmmmm.... Sounds VERY hypocritical.
Why is that cat still allowed to post here?

Why are you allowed to post. Funny you ****ing dumb *** homers get upset about the truth. Yet it's ok to bash 17-18 year old kids on here. **** MAKES NO SENSE. Point out anything I said that was false. ALL THAT MATTERS IS GETTING THE KID TO SIGN. TRUE OR FALSE?


If you're looking to judge the staff this relentlessness is very encouraging. If you followed recruiting under Shannon you'd know he had a sort of entitled way of recruiting. Some kids just won't want to come to Miami, but this is still a great sign.

If you weren't just trying to go against the common sentiment you'd agree, unless you just really don't understand. Either way, you've made no sense this whole thread.

Oh, this guy definitely followed recruiting under Shannon. This guy smells like another descendant of Nights. Same old schtick as all of his other screen names.

Another go to line from BLIND HOMERS. Anytime someone disagrees or has ANYTHING negative to say aboutsomething Golden does they are either a fan of another school, Shannon homer, troll, racist, etc..... Once again that's little kid ****.
Still have to land them. All the ELITE schools( are going after these kids "relentlessly".BAMA,fsu, uga, lsu,ucla,tamu,etc..... Lol that's part of the job. Getting them to commit is all that matters at the end of the day.

Reading 2 top backs in different cycles say Miami is after them the hardest is good ****. If you don't think so, there's a 100% probability you're a fuggin mope.

You're constant skepticism, condescension, and consistent against the grain approach is fuggin feminine.

It is nice to dismiss the lack of effort as a reason for not getting a kid, in this recruiting age kids love attention. The staff never quits, I love that.
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