Military Vets, get in here

Thank you all so much for your selfless sacrifice so we can live the life's that we do! I hope you all realize how appreciated you all are!
Thank you all. It's an important day. I wish people really considered just how lucky they are.
USAF. 66-69 nam vet 68

Having gone to Iraq in '05, I can honestly say that Iraq wasn't ish compared to Nam. My fiancee's uncle tells me stories of when he went as a Marine, and his stories blow mine out of the water. I have the utmost respect for you. Thank you.
A heartfelt thank you to all of our men/women that have sacrificed their lives, limbs, time away from loved ones, etc., to defend our freedoms and our way of life!

I honor and salute you not only today, but every day. May God bless all of you now and always.
A big thanks to all vets on here, and everywhere. Thank you for protecting our country, and our freedoms, such as the freedom to fly fire golden banners
God Bless all of you that put your lives on the line to keep us safe and free!!!!

God Bless America