mike mitchell 5 star 2013

Paranos has is a certified ****** hahaha. You literally can't make this **** up. Nvm he actually does make this **** up. I been saying it since day 1- paranos is DBC

hahahha you have been saying it since caneinsider. I remember a few of those post.
Paramos is so annoying man...... DBC=paranos stop making **** up about ever prospect. Get a life...

Paranos does not = DBC. DBC is comatose as a result of injuries suffered in the bear attack...a very deep coma. He does not have swine flu, nor is he involved with a woman named Heather. Otherwise, friends and family are all praying for DBC to pull through.

Paranos cannot be DBC....although, you notice how you never see Paranos and DBC together in the same place at the same time?....I wonder....

In the meantime, Paranod, keep your research going and your reports coming....until we figure out who you are. I think you're really Brandon Carroll's student assistant, leaking confidential double secret info. But who knows?