Miami vs Clemson 10/21/23

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Is it me or are just being too conservative on offense? I know we have a freshman in the game but it seems like we’re playing to not lose instead of playing to win.
Of course, a kicker who was laying on the couch 5 weeks ago is going to make a 41 yard FG against us.
Just checked back in after a party. How was that not a safety before halftime?
Dawson is really earning it tonight.

Seriously, there's so much you can do to limit mistakes, but he's not doing it.

I'd rather they at least try and lose the game than nit try at all.

He can't be this bad. This isn't what Houston did with him there, granted he wasn't on his own there. I'm sorry, but this **** has Mario's smell all over it.
I mean yeah Mario plays a part but what do you really want them to do? Thats why I’ve been contesting the rumors that started on cis about how they feel about Emory. They love the kid for what he could be based on his work ethic. Not what he IS
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