Miami RBs 2015


Nov 3, 2011
Will Yearby be our feature back? Kid cuts on a dime and seems to have pretty good vision (and hands, too). His top end speed is just average, and he's smallish, but neither of those mean he can't be very effective. Will he get a majority of the touches?



Or will Gus carry the load? He's an interesting RB. He has a nice size/speed combo, but he seems to lack explosiveness/twitch and hasn't been great in short yardage/goal line situations. And I'm not sure about his vision one way or the other. He's he's made some nice plays though, and reports out of camp are promising (I know, I know).




Bonus (since I couldn't find a full highlight tape for Gus):


Or will we go with the RB-by-committee approach? Maybe Trayone Gray or Mark Walton step up and demand more touches? We don't seem to have that one guy ala Duke who demands as many touches as possible, at least not yet. But we have some talent.

This is one of the more interesting aspects of our team, IMO, and I'm looking forward to seeing how it shakes out.

My guess all of them will get touches. Look for them to be used in different situations according their strengths. If I had to guess, Gus will take the bulk of the carries. It sucks we've missed on some really good backs that would have made or running game exceptional.
Love the stable. I'm comfortable with all four of them. I think Gus and Joe platoon for the most part. Gray and Walton spilt the other 25%.
they are both different type of backs so its nice to have 2 change of pace backs on the roster, I'm curious as to who will get more time, my guess is gus he really is a freak of nature with his size and speed but he there are times where he doesn't use it properly once he gets it right he will be a beast

yearby has amazing lateral quickness and great vision, he isn't as fast as he should be but he makes up for it with his ability to make people miss, he needed that extra bulk in the off season, he would go down too easily in games, it would be nice to see both of them on the field at the same time but thats not goldens philosophy so just a pipe dream