Miami Hurricanes Roster Composition - Updated to 01/28/22


Dec 31, 2018
Following the recent portal signings I've decided to update the tally. The transfers make a total of 15 new incoming players.

Per last roster count, we appear to stand at 86 scholarship players. Our blue chip ratio presently stands at 55%, which is now the highest that it has been in the records that I have going back to 2007.


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pardon my ignorance, but unless we give a few the boot can we can only sign 2? or does the covid exception carry over?
pardon my ignorance, but unless we give a few the boot can we can only sign 2? or does the covid exception carry over?

Pretty sure we're back to 85. But you can oversign as long as you stay under the class cap and stay below 85 actively registered and on scholarship at the same time. Guarantee Mario oversigns by several spots. All remaining signees won't show up until summer, so he'll need to winnow down the roster by then.
pardon my ignorance, but unless we give a few the boot can we can only sign 2? or does the covid exception carry over?

There is a one year special cap exemption that allows you to sign up to 7 extra transfers if you lose some. I think we are going to end up with a pretty big class of new players in the end (fall camp), and that we will have a lot of current kids pushed out. That's not exactly an original thought btw, @Cribby and some others in the know have been saying this.
we’re at 85 with the latest OL from Oregon.

The 7 transfer player relates to the 25 limit not 85 limit so anyone else we bring in means someone has to go

That list above is missing moss and ragone but I didn’t think parrot was on scholarship
One thing you have to remember is that Cody Brown counted towards the 2022 class (I believe).
Amazing how we suddenly are back at the 85. Feels like it’s been years we’ve been well under the cap. Or was I just misinformed?
Amazing how we suddenly are back at the 85. Feels like it’s been years we’ve been well under the cap. Or was I just misinformed?
We were. Just look at the previous years in the original post. One year in Shannon’s tenure we got down to 72.
That’s a good looking WR group. Didn’t realize we had so many DB’s. Someone has to separate.