Coaching Miami’s 2022 football staff

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"None of us" .. would be you only .. as pretty much the universe following Canes football has seen announcements regarding McClendon to UM as WR coach / passing game coordinator .. the same role he played at Oregon for 2 seasons .. and for 4 seasons prior at South Carolina. No way he is getting full OC play calling responsibility .. and his Co OC title is primarily for a pay bump justification. Don't get lost because of titles. Mac is a tremendous WR coach and outstanding recruiter.
I think you misunderstood my reply and I certainly wasn't meaning to come off confrontationally. If I did, my bad.

So to your reply, I'm well aware McClendon's name has been "unofficial" but obviously expected as WR coach for a long time. My only point was that the "reporting" of him as Co-OC just broke earlier today. If it was reported before that and I missed it, my bad.

What I was trying to emphasize is that we've been going in circles for weeks on this site about who the OC will be (Brady? Briles? Dorsey? etc.) without really knowing. And yet suddenly, we seem confident in knowing exactly what anyone's specific roles will be? Before literally anything is official? Because ESPN reported it as a "possibility"?

If what you said is right, cool - I'm ok with it. But no need to jump down my throat because I questioned how you KNEW that he would have no play-calling responsibilities.
This is an L until proven otherwise. With all the money we supposedly have, McClendon as a Co-OC is not what I expected. Dude is known as a great recruiter but that’s not what we need in an OC. If the O sucks no excuses, it’s silly moves like this to blame.

Guys. The only titles that really matter from a responsibilities standpoint is the HC, and who is calling the offensive and defensive plays. What the play-callers are all called means very little. What everyone else is called, means even less. The OC isn't going to give a crap what position coaches get a Co-OC title.

That said, 99.9% of the time that means HC/OC/DC. After that, every single title is just a way to give highly desired guys a fancy title that justifies a big salary so you don't lose them to a another team offering it. Everyone wants to be the man who calls plays and these little titles make everyone feel 6" closer to the prize. There aren't suddenly magical coaching roles that never existed before. Even when a position coach gets STC title the responsibilities are usually shared.


...are 99% of the time just made up things to lure top coaching talent. Are there any executives out there? Titles are part of comp. Our new DL coach was AHS/DL/RGC (defensive lol!)/RC at Oregon I think! LOL. Come on.

"But Crippy, the AHS helps the HC with some of his duties to free him up!"

No kidding. As has the senior assistant that the HC trusts the most since the dawn of time.

"But Crippy, some teams have two co-coordinators instead of an OC and a Co-OC!"

Yeah and the only one anyone cares about is who is calling the plays. And that situation, where the title is shared, is really rare. Clemson did it. I can't even think of anyone else. So its not relevant IMO.

All these other crazy titles are again, just ways to lure the best coaches you can. Do you guys really think that the Co-OC, PGC, and RGC are really doing what their titles say? There would be nothing left for your $2M a year OC to do!

You can give every offensive coach a coordinator title if you like. The OC is still the OC.

Not much has changed in coaching with the exception of the armies of analysts on the back end.

*Also, anyone who doesn't think Dorsey would be a huge coup is off their meds.
My belief is any qb coach has an input on play calling.
Ps: except Jon richt
QB coach / passing game coordinator has A LOT to do with GAME PLANNING .. that is the week before a game when they script plays to use against a specific defensive unit .. looking at tendencies, personnel, etc. So the passing game coordinator (which is Dorsey's role with the Bills) is VERY INVOLVED in game planning / scripting / selecting plays for each opponent. Normally though he isn't CALLING plays .. the play sheet is in the hands of the OC and he runs the offense on game day.
He also hired Tim Deruyter as DC and no one here wanted Mario to bring him down to Miami. Mario thought the same thing and Deruyter is now some place else. So please lets not hold up a coach as infallible as if we haven't learned that lesson the last 18 years.

First, Deruyter is a **** good coach. Its not his fault that his top two players were out or hurt most of the year,

Second, you made my point. Mario decided he would not be a good fit for Miami and did not offer him a job. If he thinks dorsey is the best fit then I trust him. He has A LOT of built equity when it comes to coaching hires. Coker, Shannon, Golden, and Diaz did not.

Also back to DeRuyter, his playing/coaching career has been primarily in the western US or Texas. The closest he has coached in the South was Texas A&M, maybe he had no interest in coming to Miami?
I think you misunderstood my reply and I certainly wasn't meaning to come off confrontationally. If I did, my bad.

So to your reply, I'm well aware McClendon's name has been "unofficial" but obviously expected as WR coach for a long time. My only point was that the "reporting" of him as Co-OC just broke earlier today. If it was reported before that and I missed it, my bad.

What I was trying to emphasize is that we've been going in circles for weeks on this site about who the OC will be (Brady? Briles? Dorsey? etc.) without really knowing. And yet suddenly, we seem confident in knowing exactly what anyone's specific roles will be? Before literally anything is official? Because ESPN reported it as a "possibility"?

If what you said is right, cool - I'm ok with it. But no need to jump down my throat because I questioned how you KNEW that he would have no play-calling responsibilities.
No offense taken. It has been reported on other sites .. including ESPN that Mac's role is WR coach .. which he has been for the past 6 seasons. Mario has used "Co" titles and "Associate Head Coach" titles to give position coaches salary bumps (Mirabal and Salave'a were both Associate Head Coaches . .and OL and DL coaching were their responsibilities). No way a WR coach is going to all of a sudden be the de facto OC. Mario is hiring an OC .. and he will be the OC .. installing his offense and calling plays. It has also been speculated in a variety of outlets that Coley could possibly come on board as Associate Head Coach / QB. But no way will he have ANY of Mario's HC duties .. he would be QB coach and RECRUITER. Hope something is clarified soon..this refreshing the web page is really eating into my "normal" activities. Happy New Year.
I'm going to be ****ed if it's dorsey.. All the money in the world and we end up with someone who's never called plays would be a complete disaster
I would call it a gamble, not a disaster. Wouldn't be my first choice because of the high degree of uncertainty, but just as likely could end up an amazing hire as he could end up being a bust.
I have to assume Mastro was coming here until something happened. @Cribby at least mentioned him as a possibillity, but he is smart enough to not jump the gun because these things are fluid.

I hope things are well in his family.
Seider was the name I was told as the top guy at rb. I all but said it was him in the thread I had deleted. UF people I know sayo he told them no and wanted to stay in Happy Valley. With the new name popping up it looks like he told us the same.

As for Mastro I never heard he was done , people just assumed if Seider said no and Mastro didn’t get the other gig he’d be the guy. I mean that makes sense. Maybe he is staying out west for a reason but that doesn’t mean he was 100 % the choice.

Gary Ferman showed yall what I’ve been saying about being first rather than right. He assumed it was Mastro since the other gig didn’t happen. So he does a full write up on the guy and his experience lol. Theres a reason why most people are being very conservative with this, at least the smart ones. Nobody wants to end up like Gary. So instead just make cute comments like you know the staff and be very vague.

I have a pretty good idea who most of the staff is but I’m not confident enough to come off like I know something for sure when I don’t.
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Guys. The only titles that really matter from a responsibilities standpoint is the HC, and who is calling the offensive and defensive plays. What the play-callers are all called means very little. What everyone else is called, means even less. The OC isn't going to give a crap what position coaches get a Co-OC title.

That said, 99.9% of the time that means HC/OC/DC. After that, every single title is just a way to give highly desired guys a fancy title that justifies a big salary so you don't lose them to a another team offering it. Everyone wants to be the man who calls plays and these little titles make everyone feel 6" closer to the prize. There aren't suddenly magical coaching roles that never existed before. Even when a position coach gets STC title the responsibilities are usually shared.


...are 99% of the time just made up things to lure top coaching talent. Are there any executives out there? Titles are part of comp. Our new DL coach was AHS/DL/RGC (defensive lol!)/RC at Oregon I think! LOL. Come on.

"But Crippy, the AHS helps the HC with some of his duties to free him up!"

No kidding. As has the senior assistant that the HC trusts the most since the dawn of time.

"But Crippy, some teams have two co-coordinators instead of an OC and a Co-OC!"

Yeah and the only one anyone cares about is who is calling the plays. And that situation, where the title is shared, is really rare. Clemson did it. I can't even think of anyone else. So its not relevant IMO.

All these other crazy titles are again, just ways to lure the best coaches you can. Do you guys really think that the Co-OC, PGC, and RGC are really doing what their titles say? There would be nothing left for your $2M a year OC to do!

You can give every offensive coach a coordinator title if you like. The OC is still the OC.

Not much has changed in coaching with the exception of the armies of analysts on the back end.

*Also, anyone who doesn't think Dorsey would be a huge coup is off their meds.
Who’s Crippy?
First, Deruyter is a **** good coach. Its not his fault that his top two players were out or hurt most of the year,

Second, you made my point. Mario decided he would not be a good fit for Miami and did not offer him a job. If he thinks dorsey is the best fit then I trust him. He has A LOT of built equity when it comes to coaching hires. Coker, Shannon, Golden, and Diaz did not.

Also back to DeRuyter, his playing/coaching career has been primarily in the western US or Texas. The closest he has coached in the South was Texas A&M, maybe he had no interest in coming to Miami?
No one else had injuries I guess. Deruyter got demoted at Cal and lost playcalling duties and then produced a subpar defense at Oregon. So Mario hired a guy who was demoted by a conference rival. And it wouldn't surprise me if he hired him partly because in '19 and '20 Cal held Mario's team to 17 points. And of course we can talk about Marcus Arroyo who turned Justin Herbert into a big armed game manager. The man isn't some coaching hire savant. He has misses and a questionable approach to offense in modern college football.