Official Message Board Geniuses

we mere porster mortals don't deserve @RVACane

we mere porster mortals need @RVACane

he's a maude who wears a cape amd a mask doling out vigilante justice to protect his city...

So. If I get in trouble here, which Mod should I try to "influence" with a fiddy?

EDIT: Asking for a friend.

EDIT #2: Not "influence," just - "fade a fiddy."
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So. If I get in trouble here, which Mod should I try to "influence" with a fiddy?

EDIT: Asking for a friend.

EDIT #2: Not "influence," just - "fade a fiddy."
@IndayArtHauz would be the perfect choice.

I'm going to need a staff to help me keep track of these inductees.

Keep an eye on this cat. Porst #3 and already enshrined. Could he prove to be CIS' greatest to ever tickle the keyboards? Bright future ahead if he keeps bringing his A-game.

@fraggle you have been put on notice!
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But you're so even tempered and open to differing opinions.

That statement is a form of derision - implying I am the opposite of that.

Like the "Tiny" nickname given to a truck of a man.

Sarcasm. At it's finest. And admirably subtle.

Trying to be agreeable to others' opinions is impossible - but ****ing off everyone with a different opinion is a piece of cake. :troll-dancing:
That statement is a form of derision - implying I am the opposite of that.

Like the "Tiny" nickname given to a truck of a man.

Sarcasm. At it's finest. And admirably subtle.

Trying to be agreeable to others' opinions is impossible - but ****ing off everyone with a different opinion is a piece of cake. :troll-dancing:
How can it be derision if I agree with you 90% of the time?
The tool who told me to send pics when I said I drew wood on the Burroughs news should be on here.