Official Memorial Day

Empirical Cane

We are what we repeatedly do.
Sep 3, 2018
Just the perspective from one vet:

If you’re also a vet, or a family member/friend of a fallen service member, and someone says to you “Happy Memorial Day”, I understand why that may not jive with how you’re feeling this weekend.

I tend to give most people the benefit of the doubt when it comes to this issue, and assume they are generally well intentioned.

If their words bother you, (if they do that is perfectly fine), I urge you to take the opportunity to thank them for their support but more importantly, graciously educate them on the true meaning behind Memorial Day.

Beyond that, honor the fallen by living a life worthy of their sacrifice.

Thank you to all my brothers and sisters in arms who gave all.

RIP Russ.

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Thank you my USAF brethren @Empirical Cane and @Baba Yaga for your service. In my family every man going back 4 generations has served. My great uncle paid the ultimate price in WW2 and this weekend was always the one that meant the most in our family. It takes a special person to lay down their life for something bigger than themselves. To the fallen, thank you for your sacrifice.
A question was asked of a country under siege who would you want to come over the hill to save you 🇺🇸 was the only answer, there’s only one and no other beside her.

Thank you all for defending her

Just the perspective from one vet:

If you’re also a vet, or a family member/friend of a fallen service member, and someone says to you “Happy Memorial Day”, I understand why that may not jive with how you’re feeling this weekend.

I tend to give most people the benefit of the doubt when it comes to this issue, and assume they are generally well intentioned.

If their words bother you, (if they do that is perfectly fine), I urge you to take the opportunity to thank them for their support but more importantly, graciously educate them on the true meaning behind Memorial Day.

Beyond that, honor the fallen by living a life worthy of their sacrifice.

Thank you to all my brothers and sisters in arms who gave all.

RIP Russ.

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I won't forget my two good friends I served with in thw 82D.
One a good friend of mine who was from Philly and grew up not far from me and he other my NCO.

RIP Cpl Brabazon
RIP SGT "Heavy Drop" Martinez

A question was asked of a country under siege who would you want to come over the hill to save you 🇺🇸 was the only answer, there’s only one and no other beside her.

Thank you all for defending her

Are you talking about our allies in Iraq & Afghanistan? That was a cool quote. I can’t remember where I saw that, but it was cool to hear. I think 1 person said they always wanted to bring an American because they knew the calvary would come. I think the other one I heard described the difference when you call in a QRF. Other countries would ask questions. The Americans would say hold tight, we’re on our way. Merica.
I always think of John Chapman (Medal of Honor actions captured via drone), Mike Murphy, Randy Shugart and Gary Gordon, those storming beaches in the pacific islands and the video of the WW2 soldier storming Omaha Beach as he gets cut down, during Memorial Day weekend.

So many other examples out there of our soldiers making the ultimate sacrifice. I’ve had too many buddies who have been in combat. Luckily they made it home. Many of their buddies didn’t make it home.

I am extremely grateful and proud of those who serve especially those who didn’t make it home. They fought and died for their buddies.
I think about my great uncle Oscar. Was hard of hearing. Every family event his wife Margaret would yell in his ear. Oscar lived for what seemed like forever. At some point someone asked me if I knew why he was deaf. He served on a battleship in WW2. But didn’t talk about it ever. Never complained about the lack of hearing. Showed up at every family event till he passed. Amazing generation.