Maryland vs Miami (Hall of Fame Tip-Off Naismith Classic) on ESPN at 1 pm EST

Feels like Maryland either makes the shot or throws it off the backboard or air balls. Need to rebound more of these but there have been some tough bounces.
Maryland has a clear size advantage and it's going to cost us on the offensive glass. I'd like to see Nigel Pack take more shots when he's on the floor. Maryland's guards are tall and its causing him to play passively.
Playing Maryland is all about weathering the storm. They’ll make 9 in a row and then they’ll miss 15 in a row.

Keep your composure and keep playing hard. That’s exactly what the guys are doing and they’re right back in it.
We're not going to win this game in the half-court. Once we grab a rebound, we've got to run in offensive transition and beat Maryland to the basket