Martell approved?

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This gives me the warm and fuzzies
I rewatched the entire game a few days ago. The game is revisionist history. They way people remember that game makes it sound like our players were basically grabbing their crotch and flipping the bird every other down. And dancing all over the field.
I said I posted that game just because.
But the just because was really because that game is the reason Martel might get denied and the reason that game was blown out of proportion.
Yes it was a lot of penalities but our players were not acting anywhere near what JJ’s teams did.
The backlash was because of anither total domination of a blue blood program in front of a national audience. We had more penalty yards than Texas had on offense at one point.
It’s what everyone is again afraid of. Manny wants swag but he better let the players know that punischement for the U is not on an even playing field. Ole miss, UNC FSU and other SEC schools skate despite major infractions. Doesn’t apply to the only school that can dominate like no other again.
This school has legitimately 2 more nattys taken from it. And btw that Texas game didn’t have Armstead in it cause he was injured.
NCAA has so many skeletons in the closet that seems like these schools are holding a gun to their head saying you better not go after us.
Williams really got off to a rocky start here. The book certainly has not been written completely, and it's not like what he did was completely unprecedented. But he did 3 things last year: He pouted, he got suspended (part of the pouting), and he got fat. Last year, he was a pudgy kid. Period. Can he turn it around? Of course, he was an 18 year old kid. But that's not the best foot to start off on.

I think Martell is a better all-around player when both are at their peak. But I have a lot of pause when a kid completely wastes his first year like Williams did. More often than not, the light doesn't come on in those cases. But he absolutely has the ability to play QB here, no question. He's not terrible. But he's got to grow up, and quickly. If I had to bet, I would say he's not on this roster in 2020, to be honest. But we'll see how it shakes out.
When you are a true freshman, come in, and are not given an equal chance to compete while watching a trainwreck like Rosier get special treatment because of his seniority, it's not surprising that he would get pouty, feel defeated, and let himself go. He was one year removed from high school, not the most mature years in one's life. He's got a world of talent, and if he applies himself he's got a great chance to be a starting QB here. He'll also have an actual qualified QB coach now, something he did not have in making the transition from high school to college. I have no preference other than whichever QB is better. Martell may be that QB, but a lot of the negatives about Williams could be applied to Martell as well. Couldn't win the starting job, left team because he didn't get the starting job. Let them play it out and let the best QB win. Perry is still in the conversation as well.

Let's keep in mind, we have two QBs who were very highly regarded recruits, wanted by many high level programs around the nation. Neither shined in their first year. So what are the odds that we happened to get two failures between the two high level recruits....vs. the odds that the lack of development and coaching played a major role?
Oh please. Dude hasn't played a snap and he's better than Kaaya, Jocorry, Morris? He's literally not better than any QB who's ever completed a pass in orange and green. He may turn out to be great, but slow your roll. And did you just reference a kid's swag? Swag doesn't win games. If it did we'd have like 23 NCs.

But CMR said Swag was whooping the guy across from you...
When you are a true freshman, come in, and are not given an equal chance to compete while watching a trainwreck like Rosier get special treatment because of his seniority, it's not surprising that he would get pouty, feel defeated, and let himself go. He was one year removed from high school, not the most mature years in one's life. He's got a world of talent, and if he applies himself he's got a great chance to be a starting QB here. He'll also have an actual qualified QB coach now, something he did not have in making the transition from high school to college. I have no preference other than whichever QB is better. Martell may be that QB, but a lot of the negatives about Williams could be applied to Martell as well. Couldn't win the starting job, left team because he didn't get the starting job. Let them play it out and let the best QB win. Perry is still in the conversation as well.

Let's keep in mind, we have two QBs who were very highly regarded recruits, wanted by many high level programs around the nation. Neither shined in their first year. So what are the odds that we happened to get two failures between the two high level recruits....vs. the odds that the lack of development and coaching played a major role?

Agree with all of this, and essentially said the same in my post. You're absolutely correct. May the best man win. Just, my money will be on Martell. But if Williams beats him out, awesome. It'd tell me he's pretty **** good, because I know Martell can play the position.
random person on board has more information thaan the person who the information is about.....I 100% believe..

also, what address in Nigeria do i need to mail the check to? and to which prince do I make it out to?
How about any **** who gets caught posting inaccurate information about Tate's waiver status gets a permanent IP address ban?

It was 50/50, but I am hearing now it's 51.8/48.2. Wasn't told which is which.
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