Martell approved?

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time for Martell to treaten to spill the beans on one of the NCAA's favorite schools...that ought to change their minds in a hurry..
Seriously question, why exactly should Martell get a waiver?
Unless the standard is going to be "I can't beat out the others and want to get playing time", Martell shouldn't get a waiver. Fields shouldn't have gotten one either. Both 100% transferred solely for that reason, everyone knows that. Granting either is a mockery of the rules, but since they granted Field's, in my opinion it would be bullsh-t not to grant Martell's.

But its Miami. I have little doubt they'll deny him.
Unless the standard is going to be "I can't beat out the others and want to get playing time", Martell shouldn't get a waiver. Fields shouldn't have gotten one either. Both 100% transferred solely for that reason, everyone knows that. Granting either is a mockery of the rules, but since they granted Field's, in my opinion it would be bullsh-t not to grant Martell's.

But its Miami. I have little doubt they'll deny him.

Agreed. Fields played the racism angle (most likely) and Martell can play the domestic violence/lying/coverup angle.

I personally think they need a black and white system. If your HC or OC/DC leave then you should be able to as well with no penalty.

Transferring because you made the wrong decision should result in sitting out a year. No more “fake” hardships because great aunt Mildred has a cold.
Unless the standard is going to be "I can't beat out the others and want to get playing time", Martell shouldn't get a waiver. Fields shouldn't have gotten one either. Both 100% transferred solely for that reason, everyone knows that. Granting either is a mockery of the rules, but since they granted Field's, in my opinion it would be bullsh-t not to grant Martell's.

But its Miami. I have little doubt they'll deny him.

Martell has more reason than Fields considering the **** that went down at OSU.
Martell has more reason than Fields considering the **** that went down at OSU.
Disagree. Like I said, I don't believe either of them deserved a waiver. Both of them raised bogus narratives about things that had no impact on them personally whatsoever. They were both going to ride the bench this year and that is why they left. Period. But of course I'm sure the N CAA will ***** us because we are Miami. It will be interesting to see them explain why Martell has to sit out a year and fields does not. I think their situations are very similar, and by that I mean both of their stories don't hold water in terms of justifying not having to sit out a year.
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