Mario about to Lock Down the portal too (new hire)

Definitely flew under the radar. But will pay major dividends. Michigan State can basically thank the portal for their one year turnaround. And once Spring Ball is over, there will be another wave of kids hitting the portal so this guy will definitely come in handy come the Summer.

Get him to work now if you ask me because once Mario sees how pathetic we are at OL, LB, and CB coming out of Spring.. him and Mr Rodgers will be best friends this summer I predict.
Mario seemingly leaving nothing left to chance
What's taking so long....?
Why did he hire.....?/I would've hired.....!
When r we gonna get a
But,... he's never called plays before....
My soccer trainer guy said....
But,...what about the one game, 15 years ago...

I haven't been this happy since the false hope of the CMR hire,..Desperate times these last 20 yrs
Teams are starting to put coaches and staff in a position to monitor the magic portal year-round. It's such a powerful tool. It has the ability to totally erase recruiting mistakes, injuries, and change the dynamics of a bad college football team in an instant if you know talent.

But you have to know your business. An article I read before the season stated that of all the FBS players who entered the portal only 37.8% stayed on the FBS level. That would strongly suggest to me that coaches are using the transfer portal to encourage kids who aren't able to compete at that level to move on rather than players just being disgruntled.
Definitely flew under the radar. But will pay major dividends. Michigan State can basically thank the portal for their one year turnaround. And once Spring Ball is over, there will be another wave of kids hitting the portal so this guy will definitely come in handy come the Summer.

Get him to work now if you ask me because once Mario sees how pathetic we are at OL, LB, and CB coming out of Spring.. him and Mr Rodgers will be best friends this summer I predict.
this, sparty built a whole team via the portal and ****ed around and found a first round draft pick at rb ... it seems we're definitely covering our bases
Like I’ve been saying in just about every thread.

Especially when people get scared and gnash their teeth that we might lose this coach or that coach.

There is a process in place that has a strong vision for what the organization should look like.

Professionalism all the way through, positions that answer current needs, tactics that change and evolve with the marketplace, it’s not really about the new personnel, although those have been very good hires, it’s about the new infrastructure and processes being put into place that will last for decades and effectively maneuver in the new college football market.
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Cowherd went on his show today & said he wants Mario to come on tomorrow if he’s up to it. He had Lincoln on today, but he said “I know we’re in SB Week, but I just love what Miami & USC r doing. I’m so giddy.”
What's taking so long....?
Why did he hire.....?/I would've hired.....!
When r we gonna get a
But,... he's never called plays before....
My soccer trainer guy said....
But,...what about the one game, 15 years ago...

I haven't been this happy since the false hope of the CMR hire,..Desperate times these last 20 yrs