Off-Topic Manti Te'o and the Tranny

I wanted to start my own thread but I will just respond here but for the sake of it. I dont really care if anyone happens to read it, tbh, but I want to say something regardless.

The entire story should be disgusting to anyone. And I mean "anyone". Manti didnt do ****. He was not involved. He was a victim of a very sophisticated lie that played with his emotions and feelings. After that came out, he was victim of a massive media machine rolling over him. He was made fun of in public, in TV, on social media, in talkshows. Literally everywhere. I didnt see many asking "How is he feeling? Is he okay? How can we help him?".

This entire society needs to take care of mental health. Everyone should need and absolutely has to address it. But what this story makes it even more exemplary is something I recently discovered that I really couldnt believe: Males are suffering from mental health issues in a far greater number. In 2020, 75% of all suicides in Germany were committed by a male. In the USA, men were 3.8 times more likely to die from suicide in the same year.

When I saw how Manti talked about it all, I saw a dead, empty face. It was as if his demons returned for one more time to show up right in front of him. The incident is 10 years old, Manti enjoyed a successful career and is now married with a child on the way and the entire incident is still in his head because people still give him **** for it.

Next time you see one of your pals and you ask him how he is doing and he responds with "I am alright", keep asking. Every dude who says that, lies.
I wanted to start my own thread but I will just respond here but for the sake of it. I dont really care if anyone happens to read it, tbh, but I want to say something regardless.

The entire story should be disgusting to anyone. And I mean "anyone". Manti didnt do ****. He was not involved. He was a victim of a very sophisticated lie that played with his emotions and feelings. After that came out, he was victim of a massive media machine rolling over him. He was made fun of in public, in TV, on social media, in talkshows. Literally everywhere. I didnt see many asking "How is he feeling? Is he okay? How can we help him?".

This entire society needs to take care of mental health. Everyone should need and absolutely has to address it. But what this story makes it even more exemplary is something I recently discovered that I really couldnt believe: Males are suffering from mental health issues in a far greater number. In 2020, 75% of all suicides in Germany were committed by a male. In the USA, men were 3.8 times more likely to die from suicide in the same year.

When I saw how Manti talked about it all, I saw a dead, empty face. It was as if his demons returned for one more time to show up right in front of him. The incident is 10 years old, Manti enjoyed a successful career and is now married with a child on the way and the entire incident is still in his head because people still give him **** for it.

Next time you see one of your pals and you ask him how he is doing and he responds with "I am alright", keep asking. Every dude who says that, lies.
Male lives don’t matter.
Just started watching: he went to ND because his mormon priests told him to go there, the Catholic University? According to him he was upset even on signing day when he announced because he wanted to go to USC, but God wanted him at ND

I'll say what we all are thinking: how much did ND pay that priest?
Just started watching: he went to ND because his mormon priests told him to go there, the Catholic University? According to him he was upset even on signing day when he announced because he wanted to go to USC, but God wanted him at ND

I'll say what we all are thinking: how much did ND pay that priest?
Some kid between the age of 4 and 10.
I wanted to start my own thread but I will just respond here but for the sake of it. I dont really care if anyone happens to read it, tbh, but I want to say something regardless.

The entire story should be disgusting to anyone. And I mean "anyone". Manti didnt do ****. He was not involved. He was a victim of a very sophisticated lie that played with his emotions and feelings. After that came out, he was victim of a massive media machine rolling over him. He was made fun of in public, in TV, on social media, in talkshows. Literally everywhere. I didnt see many asking "How is he feeling? Is he okay? How can we help him?".

This entire society needs to take care of mental health. Everyone should need and absolutely has to address it. But what this story makes it even more exemplary is something I recently discovered that I really couldnt believe: Males are suffering from mental health issues in a far greater number. In 2020, 75% of all suicides in Germany were committed by a male. In the USA, men were 3.8 times more likely to die from suicide in the same year.

When I saw how Manti talked about it all, I saw a dead, empty face. It was as if his demons returned for one more time to show up right in front of him. The incident is 10 years old, Manti enjoyed a successful career and is now married with a child on the way and the entire incident is still in his head because people still give him **** for it.

Next time you see one of your pals and you ask him how he is doing and he responds with "I am alright", keep asking. Every dude who says that, lies.
This is a terrific and on point post brother.
Wife and I just watched the two part series tonight. And it's still a better love story than Twilight.