Manny will call Plays in 2021, Jess Back as DL Coach

Underwhelming news. I'm okay with Simpson returning. My only concern is his ability to recruit. I'm also okay with DVD working under T-Rob so he doesn't entirely learn on the job.

As for Baker...whatever...

One thing is clear, however, it is Manny's D next year no matter what...there can be zero debate as he is calling plays and kept his previously hand-picked coaches on the staff. No excuses. Get it done or get gone.
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Manny with another political move. Now when the D doesn't do well, he'll say, "I just need a dedicated DC." UM will give him a ton of money to get one, and it buys Manny another year. When will it ever end?
I try to give Manny the benefit of the doubt. I really do. I do my absolute best to be real and rational when it comes to this program.

But this is a fail. Plain and simple. A complete fail. T-Rob was a GREAT hire. That was an A+ move. But, as I'm sure everyone will say (and rightfully so), why is Baker still here if Manny is calling the defense? Because he couldn't kill his buddy, that's why. That's the only reason.

There's just so much wrong with this. Baker should not be here if he's not the actual coordinator. DVD does not deserve an on-field role at a school like UM with his resume. And Manny should not be calling plays. He's not a coordinator anymore. Not being able to find someone who can field a competent defense is a stain on his tenure.

I don't mind Simpson. I know the guy can coach linemen. Yeah, we know recruiting wasn't his strong suit. But guys like Kool churned out DL after DL stud at Mizzou and he didn't recruit a lick. I can live with that.

This, to me, is simply Manny unable to drop the guillotine on Baker combined with him believing in his system. Manny thinks this defense, this scheme, called correctly, is the right answer. And, judging from what we say in 2016-2018, I can't be THAT mad at that. It's not perfect, but it was one of the better defenses in the country. I just cannot understand what role Baker still serves here. How does he even go to work everyday? I guess the paycheck is nice, but ****. It's like the Office Space line...."What is it that you say....YOU DO HERE???"

Oh well. It is what it is. I do think the defense will be better with Manny calling it. But this is not the situation a school like this should be in.
Look at Manny's 3 buddies - Banda, Patke and Baker.

Banda - moved onto a promotion where he's now a DC at Utah State. He's progressing in his career.
Patke - retained.
Baker - retained (and should've been fired). Has playcalling duties taken away.

I was looking for Manny to do what was needed. Getting rid of Rumph is an on-field role didn't show me ****. Rumph wasn't one of his boys. I wanted to see that Manny had that cold blooded nature to legit put friendship aside for the betterment of his team - he failed spectacularly. Next year's going to end in a similar fashion.
ah geez, I have no idea what to think off all this

To me, this is an indictment on Blake Baker as DC. I mean, you're not letting him call the defense? Well, what's the point of keeping him around?
THIS and you beat me to it. I think it's ridiculous of Manny to try to take on both HC and DC duties, but I'm only onboard with keeping Baker around if he's demoted to LB/Striker coach. Like bringing Jess back and having DVD work with TRob, though.

Manny, just get Baker the fvck out of here and hire a **** DC.
Didn't T-Rob want the whole secondary????
Probably, but in order to get DVD a rise they needed to justify it by giving the title by name and will probably assist TRob that's my guess. Look at DC in which we have one but the HC will call plays...
Simpson and DVD I’m cool with the other “moves” got me sick dawg. Baker needs to be gone he’s dead weight can’t recruit, can’t coach LB’s, and can’t call a game.Why is he still here ? I want Manny to succeed this is his dream job but keeping Blake around is going to spell his doom.The same way D’No did for Golden and Jon Richt did for Mark Richt. Smh why must us canes fans suffer.
Just to balance the scales, I need the unbridled optimist's take on this. @Go Canes!!

I'll take a cut at it, although you can read my post a few back for my true feelings:

The defense will look more like the unit we saw in 2016 - 2018, which was one of the better defenses in the country. Having DVD and T-Rob on the staff as on-field coaches with the ability to recruit off-campus will help us land more high profile kids, especially in the secondary. Baker can coach the linebackers exclusively without having to coordinate the defense, and hopefully they will develop (I wrote that one without laughing, somehow). Jess Simpson is an excellent tactical coach and has gained more knowledge in the NFL since he left, and also has furthered his Georgia roots.

Getting rid of Rumph and Banda in favor of DVD and T-Rob is an absolute upgrade and net positive. Manny calls a better defense than Baker, and that part has been proven. Patke… here? Simpson, see above.
Manny didn’t fire a single person.

Pulled the trigger on everyone on offense but couldn’t do it to his boys on defense. Also got finessed into promoting DVD.

Someone made the DVD and Dre Bly comp and I hope it works out that way. Even if he can just recruit like him I’ll take it.