Manny is "all in" on Highsmith

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What a ******* **** show our administration is. People like myself have been calling them out for more than a decade. Calling them incompetent and every bad word under the sun.....but how is it possible they are even WORSE than we all thought?

It's pretty obvious what's happening here. Blake and Manny were absolutely resistant to the AH signing, so someone within the ****ed off group of BOT's leaked EXACTLY what was going on to Barry Jackson for the sole purpose of turning the court of public opinion against Blake and forcing him into a decision.

It's ridiculous. It's a joke. It's embarrassing.

With all that said, WHATEVER it takes at this point to get Blake removed from a position of power in terms of football MUST be called into service. I applaud whatever members of the BOT are attempting to save this program. It's more than a decade late....but whatever.....I'll take it.