Malik Bryant 3.0, Announcement 7/27 @ Noon

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This until papers are signed concept is overblown. How many of Mario's verbal at Oregon flipped elsewhere ? I'm willing to bet not many. This isn't Golden or Manny. People need to realize this is a professional regime and not amateur learn on the job bs anymore. If he announces for us he's coming.
And people also need to learn there's an opposing team. It's not just about how our staff does, it's about how other staffs do. So sometimes you do everything right, and somebody else just connects better or makes their offer better in some way you weren't aware the kid cared about. Anything can happen, even to the best staff.

We may still get this kid, but it's NEVER a good sign when everybody expects him to sign with you, and he delays. Doesn't mean it's over, but waiting doesn't benefit us at all.
Lol, if true.... this will be the worse recruiting week i can remember. And thats not being hyperbolic cuz i pretty much checked out of it when Diaz was around.
stripes lighten GIF
Y'all do understand that this is neither bad or good? Both sides have a new chance to up their offers now and continue to recruit him.

And since Miami has the better ones... you know.
It’s not that it’s “bad,” but it does suck that a week ago it looked like we might go 3/5 or 4/5 this weekend, and now we might not even land a single player.
The late UF momentum would have made it dicey had he announced today. Collins Acheampong was all Michigan until the final few days when momentum swung to us. Then he pushed his announcement and popped for Michigan.
This is bad news lmao, it isn't good or not bad news. Miami may still get him but take off the shades. I'm not *****ing, just being realistic. UM is getting bodied at the moment but I'm sure they'll figure it out.
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