Look to the Transfer Portal: Discussion thread

He seems slow? Like against G5 schools he was still getting chased down and didn't really create a ton of separation...again just what the eye test looks like
I don't necessarily see that! They had the angle on 2 of those and one time he got chased down maybe the CB was faster then him? It happens
Rocket Sanders is a beast of a back. Watching him in HS made me want the Canes to recruit the Melbourne area more. We got Chase Smith that year but I don’t recall any real traction with Saunders
Rocket Sanders is a beast of a back. Watching him in HS made me want the Canes to recruit the Melbourne area more. We got Chase Smith that year but I don’t recall any real traction with Saunders
Don’t get too attached, some ppl are saying he’s FSU bound

If this IS accurate, it’s absolutely insane.
Not as involved with him and his family as I was at the time. I'll try to check in. This is surprising.

He loved Miami but didn't love the staff, aside from DVD. I'd probably watch USC
I got you. Since you brought him up as a recruit I’ve paid attention. He was really solid on the back end this year.
Rocket Sanders has a son in Florida. He will either end up at FSU or take the biggest bag offered. Good chance that bag also comes from FSU.
This portal **** is insanity.

Might as well just call it Minor League NFL league at this point.

These dudes on one year contracts, and taking full advantage of it. I ain’t mad em.

It's the MLB. Low payroll teams find players and develop them only to to lose them to big payroll teams.....just have to hope you are one of the big payroll teams.
Off to UNC too?

That kid is a good tight end. IMO, future NFL TE.

This will probably be a controversial or considered a dumb take (I am here for it. Bring it!!), but I would’ve taken both of them here as our transfer QB and TE as I considered Max to be the absolute floor on the type of QB we need here to be a 10 win team.
That kid is a good tight end. IMO, future NFL TE.

This will probably be a controversial or considered a dumb take (I am here for it. Bring it!!), but I would’ve taken both of them here as our transfer QB and TE as I considered Max to be the absolute floor on the type of QB we need here to be a 10 win team.
I would not take Max Johnson