
The one week I don’t bother to look at the game notes. Best case, you win by enough tonight and Saturday to avoid Torres until Sunday.
Game notes ( )show Ziehl tonight, Rosario tomorrow and a new guy that looks like the maniac named Tba starting on Sunday, so I guess whoever you heard
Game notes ( )show Ziehl tonight, Rosario tomorrow and a new guy that looks like the maniac named Tba starting on Sunday, so I guess whoever you heard from was correct.
How do you get these game notes ?
Possible reasons:
1: Injured (would have had to have happened during a mid week bully)
2: Touch of of dead arm ( He did labor down the stretch last year)
3. Sickness ( the corn dogs in Virginia are particularly rough)
4: Violation of team rules (Got caught porking Maniac in the training room)
5: Transferred to FGCU
Goddamnit @Cryptical Envelopment

Cbs Police GIF by Wolf Entertainment

You've done it now. You're going to jail, but before that, we have to check you for weapons or illegal substances.

The Big House Jail GIF by ClawsTNT

Take a time-out.

Bored The Virginian GIF by GritTV

@RVACane @PIPO @WaterburyCane We're going to need to keep an eye on this guy. He's intentionally doing this
Goddamnit @Cryptical Envelopment

Cbs Police GIF by Wolf Entertainment

You've done it now. You're going to jail, but before that, we have to check you for weapons or illegal substances.

The Big House Jail GIF by ClawsTNT

Take a time-out.

Bored The Virginian GIF by GritTV

@RVACane @PIPO @WaterburyCane We're going to need to keep an eye on this guy. He's intentionally doing this
Lol. I would do that latex glove inspection 3 additional times with this one. He’s a crafty little dude.