Light theme, round 2

The only part of the style that is "more white" is the user info area to the left of posts (above posts on mobile). There is also less use of borders.
The only part of the style that is "more white" is the user info area to the left of posts (above posts on mobile). There is also less use of borders.
I like the border under the post time clock and the box around reactions. Separates them nicely instead of it all running together.
I have made some adjustments to the new "Light" theme. If you would like to test it out then click "Light Old" at the bottom of the page and select "Light". Two things that won't work until "Light Old" is killed is the pagination (thread pages) at the top of the thread and the "Sticky Threads" header row will be duplicated. These are easy fixes once there is only one light theme.

PM me with any feedback you have.

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