Lets talk about the refs


Nov 5, 2011
For trying their hardest to cost us another game

Na man no one can convince me that they don't have it in for us. This **** is blatant at this point
Saw a picture of 2 of our DL chasing the QB one being held by 2 NCST OLinemam and the other blatantly being held. All right in front of the ref
Also when overturning the interception in the end zone that ref had a big goofy smile on his face. He was so happy he got to take it away from us
Maybe I got my cane shades on, but I think they screwed us on those two turnovers...

I felt that was a forced fumble by Jamal, I don't think that dude had his elbow or knee down...

& I think the tipped ball was a bad call too... I felt it was inconclusive to overturn the call on the field.

I think the Dayes called back TD on NCST was a makeup call for missing at least two blatant holds earlier on the drive.

Overall, I always feel the refs are against us in every game we play, even when we're at home...

It's always 12 on 11 out there for us, been that way since the Fiesta Bowl.
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Jimmy had a quote about the refs back then. We gotta start putting these teams away early bc we're never going to get any breaks in the ACC. It's just to be expected. Not even worth complaining about anymore. We already know what it is.
--Corn's called back fumble 6 on the Carter strip
--Horrific spot on the fake punt when they were back up in their own territory
--No PI when Ahmmon got mugged in the end zone
--The INT in the end zone taken off the board

That's potential 24 points right there.
Its been this way since we joined the ACC. No ACC ref will call holding on any ACC team that UM is playing. They simply will not do it.

The tobacco road teams get preferential treatment in every single sport. Its beyond obvious.
--Corn's called back fumble 6 on the Carter strip
--Horrific spot on the fake punt when they were back up in their own territory
--No PI when Ahmmon got mugged in the end zone
--The INT in the end zone taken off the board

That's potential 24 points right there.

The fake punt call didn't end up costing us but it was infuriating. What's the point of instant replay if it is going to be completely useless? I am guessing Richt gets four "oopsies" from the ACC after sending them the video of the blown calls.
Look at it from the ACC's perspective. The more ACC teams in bowls, the more money there is to go around. NC State needed to win today, otherwise they're not getting into a bowl. It was purely a business decision to tell the refs that NC State needed to win.
They suck. No accountability. It's embarrassing for all involved including those watching live and at home.
Aye if you're playing a game in the state of North Carolina in any sport bank on the refs ******** you.
On one play mccloud was stuck to the ol, tried to disengage and guy has a handful of jersey, no call.

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That replay on the deflected interception was an absolute joke! How can you overturn that play yet on the fake punt the commentator was saying "No way he made it to the 40 his knee was down". So it was not inconclusive on the deflected pick (after all we saw the white chalk come up NOT!) but it was inconclusive on the fake punt?

Makes sense. I love using double negatives makes as much sense as the zebras. Just do away with replay too it is as subjective as the calls on the field remember the FSU targeting call? Didn't matter replay judge "You going to believe me or your lying eyes?"
If this year has taught anything to the masses, it's that nothing is really left to chance when $$$ and/or personal power of those in charge are part of the equation. The offhanded dismissal previously used, "Yeah, sure conspiracy theorist" has been discredited as more and more supposed "objective" professions have been shown to be nothing more than shills, currying the favor of those in power. Most Referees, like politicians, are lawyers. Here is the director of ACC Officiating:

Dennis Hennigan | Partner | Costello, Cooney & Fearon

Gee, what does a NY lawyer and ACC Comish John Swofford have in common? Other than both getting degrees in Ohio, Swofford was on the Board of Managers, College Football Officiating, LLC from 2008-2012. LLC? Yep, a corporation formed in 2008:

CFO Central Hub - About College Football Officiating

Swofford is not a manager now, but got in on the ground floor at inception. Note also the web site is maintained by Arbiter Sports, a Utah company which produces referee scheduling software and is an NCAA partner:

ArbiterSports - Partners

You can put your head in the sand or you can realize the refs are controlled from the top...Stay ignorant or connect the dots, your choice.
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