Let's be Real... Great (Fortunate) Recruiting Class


Nov 30, 2011
Was thinking about this throughout the day yesterday as the class took shape. Yes I was dissapointed we didn't get the 2-3 more guys we had a chance at, but at the end of the day I determined the following:

1. We have had only FIVE 9 win seasons since 2004, when we entered the ACC! That's 5 out of 13 seasons! Needless to say these kids that committed yesterday were 3-4 years old the last time Miami was Elite. You ask yourself what the image of our program is.... well, that's it!

2. Conference Championships are vital... since we haven't played in one ever, it's easy to recruit against Miami. Kids want to play in Championships, and with FSU and Clemson carrying the ACC in the last several years, the ACC has been representing in the National Championship quite a few times over the last several years. Meaning if you can sell to kids that Miami is playing for the ACC title year in-year out, recruiting gets much easier!!

3. Our great fortune of having big names in the NFL (still) is what helps us continue to get recruits, however the number is dwindling, so recruiting will get tougher unless we start winning (which I believe starts this season). It was a huge advantage of ours to say "NFL U" and sell that to kids. We need to restock the NFL cupboard ASAP!

4. Last but not least, Miami still is a brand name, the problem is, not like it USED TO BE. We need to get our image of success up quickly if we want to sell "South Florida Divas" on committing to Miami again. These kids are going to schools with better odds of success. That's the reality and we need to turn the tides to convince the blue chippers to stay home.

Where we stand? I really believe in the staff we have. We got lucky! If you look at our roster and potential, we got LUCKY!! There are some kids on the roster that are special and if we have a great season this year, (win 10-11 games, play/win ACC) this is the year that MAY catapult is in the recruiting wars...

It really does start this year! Win and we land a monster class in 18!! I believe in Richt, I think we take the next step regardless of the QB.

Great class this year and GO CANES!!
Was thinking about this throughout the day yesterday as the class took shape. Yes I was dissapointed we didn't get the 2-3 more guys we had a chance at, but at the end of the day I determined the following:

1. We have had only FIVE 9 win seasons since 2004, when we entered the ACC! That's 5 out of 13 seasons! Needless to say these kids that committed yesterday were 3-4 years old the last time Miami was Elite. You ask yourself what the image of our program is.... well, that's it!

2. Conference Championships are vital... since we haven't played in one ever, it's easy to recruit against Miami. Kids want to play in Championships, and with FSU and Clemson carrying the ACC in the last several years, the ACC has been representing in the National Championship quite a few times over the last several years. Meaning if you can sell to kids that Miami is playing for the ACC title year in-year out, recruiting gets much easier!!

3. Our great fortune of having big names in the NFL (still) is what helps us continue to get recruits, however the number is dwindling, so recruiting will get tougher unless we start winning (which I believe starts this season). It was a huge advantage of ours to say "NFL U" and sell that to kids. We need to restock the NFL cupboard ASAP!

4. Last but not least, Miami still is a brand name, the problem is, not like it USED TO BE. We need to get our image of success up quickly if we want to sell "South Florida Divas" on committing to Miami again. These kids are going to schools with better odds of success. That's the reality and we need to turn the tides to convince the blue chippers to stay home.

Where we stand? I really believe in the staff we have. We got lucky! If you look at our roster and potential, we got LUCKY!! There are some kids on the roster that are special and if we have a great season this year, (win 10-11 games, play/win ACC) this is the year that MAY catapult is in the recruiting wars...

It really does start this year! Win and we land a monster class in 18!! I believe in Richt, I think we take the next step regardless of the QB.

Great class this year and GO CANES!!

This board is overactive, and follows the ricky bobby philosophy of college football - you're first or you're last. Not only that, they haven't realized that we're not what we used to be in the 80s, 90s, and 00s when they grew up, and kids see us as historical program, same way they see ND, and Nebraska. We desperately need to get some semblance of consistency of performing as a top 15 team. That means consistent, 9 and 10 win seasons. It's easier to sell kids when they see us in the conversation week in and week out, and not as a has-been 6-6 team.

Richt may not be able to take us to a Natty, jury is still out, but he will definitely get us to a 10 win season average, that makes us an attractive program again. We're lucky we pulled him, as he's a top 10 coach in CFB, and most programs would kill for him. Worst case scenario, he makes us a top CFB team again.
All valid points , winning will help a great deal. We also need the Indoor Practice Facility to be built and ready to open by end of summer 2018. A brand new shiny Facility like that will def help even the playing field when head to head against the other programs that already have them (almost every P5 team) . I wish they would break ground, I know Marcus Lemonis is currently doing a donation drive where whatever the fans give , he gives 50% of EVERY donation up to 1 million dollars. Last I checked there was close to 1 million in that specific campaign .

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Was thinking about this throughout the day yesterday as the class took shape. Yes I was dissapointed we didn't get the 2-3 more guys we had a chance at, but at the end of the day I determined the following:

1. We have had only FIVE 9 win seasons since 2004, when we entered the ACC! That's 5 out of 13 seasons! Needless to say these kids that committed yesterday were 3-4 years old the last time Miami was Elite. You ask yourself what the image of our program is.... well, that's it!

2. Conference Championships are vital... since we haven't played in one ever, it's easy to recruit against Miami. Kids want to play in Championships, and with FSU and Clemson carrying the ACC in the last several years, the ACC has been representing in the National Championship quite a few times over the last several years. Meaning if you can sell to kids that Miami is playing for the ACC title year in-year out, recruiting gets much easier!!

3. Our great fortune of having big names in the NFL (still) is what helps us continue to get recruits, however the number is dwindling, so recruiting will get tougher unless we start winning (which I believe starts this season). It was a huge advantage of ours to say "NFL U" and sell that to kids. We need to restock the NFL cupboard ASAP!

4. Last but not least, Miami still is a brand name, the problem is, not like it USED TO BE. We need to get our image of success up quickly if we want to sell "South Florida Divas" on committing to Miami again. These kids are going to schools with better odds of success. That's the reality and we need to turn the tides to convince the blue chippers to stay home.

Where we stand? I really believe in the staff we have. We got lucky! If you look at our roster and potential, we got LUCKY!! There are some kids on the roster that are special and if we have a great season this year, (win 10-11 games, play/win ACC) this is the year that MAY catapult is in the recruiting wars...

It really does start this year! Win and we land a monster class in 18!! I believe in Richt, I think we take the next step regardless of the QB.

Great class this year and GO CANES!!

This board is overactive, and follows the ricky bobby philosophy of college football - you're first or you're last. Not only that, they haven't realized that we're not what we used to be in the 80s, 90s, and 00s when they grew up, and kids see us as historical program, same way they see ND, and Nebraska. We desperately need to get some semblance of consistency of performing as a top 15 team. That means consistent, 9 and 10 win seasons. It's easier to sell kids when they see us in the conversation week in and week out, and not as a has-been 6-6 team.

Richt may not be able to take us to a Natty, jury is still out, but he will definitely get us to a 10 win season average, that makes us an attractive program again. We're lucky we pulled him, as he's a top 10 coach in CFB, and most programs would kill for him. Worst case scenario, he makes us a top CFB team again.
