Lack Of Holding Calls

I’ve wondered if one, protecting the QB is more important (as posted above by someone else), and two, if the ACC and other conferences just want more points? As average as our OL is I don’t recall a lot of holding calls against us.
I’ve wondered if one, protecting the QB is more important (as posted above by someone else), and two, if the ACC and other conferences just want more points? As average as our OL is I don’t recall a lot of holding calls against us.

Even if that’s true, it’s strange that we’re all sitting around interpreting and guessing and no announcement has been made about such a drastic officiating change.
I'm watching this OSU v U-M game and I've already seen two holding calls on Mich that were ?able at best; yet, our DL's jerseys, shoulder pads are being ripped out, they're being hogged collared around the neck w no calls. And I'm also tired of our WRs getting grabbed and hit WELL before the ball gets there and nothing. No lie, it's getting VERY frustrating. Richt needs to call these punks out during the game and afterwards. Players need to be in the refs ears at all times. Enough is enough.

I’ve wondered if one, protecting the QB is more important (as posted above by someone else), and two, if the ACC and other conferences just want more points? As average as our OL is I don’t recall a lot of holding calls against us.

I think if our Oline was holding we'd open up more running lanes.

can't find the gif or vid but it's on twitter somewhere... Even the announcers laughed after they seen the replay[TWEET]934126490068946944[/TWEET]

That play ****ed me off the most. Trent uses his hands and beats the T EASILY and goes right around him. Guy reaches out to grab harris and his whole F%^$ing arm wraps around Trents neck. Straight up sleeper hold. That is when Richt should lose it. Get that on the big screen and make them accountable.
That was on the touch down drive that hurt us the most.. The refs missed two holding calls on that drive...
Someone needs to forward this info to the commission of the ACC!
I’ve wondered if one, protecting the QB is more important (as posted above by someone else), and two, if the ACC and other conferences just want more points? As average as our OL is I don’t recall a lot of holding calls against us.

Even if that’s true, it’s strange that we’re all sitting around interpreting and guessing and no announcement has been made about such a drastic officiating change.

Why would you expect an announcement? There’s a difference between removing a rule and ‘letting the players play’. You still see it called, but I can remember days games when both team were called three or four times. Each.
I’ve wondered if one, protecting the QB is more important (as posted above by someone else), and two, if the ACC and other conferences just want more points? As average as our OL is I don’t recall a lot of holding calls against us.

I think if our Oline was holding we'd open up more running lanes.

Yep. And give Rosier more than half a second to throw