Kentucky loses to WKU

So where does Petrino end up next year?

Louisville........ wait he was there lol um honestly a great place to me is GT. They got Demerious Thomas, Stephen Hill who sucks right now but still made him a 2nd round pick and of course Megatron so they know how to find wrs for some reason
So where does Petrino end up next year?

Louisville........ wait he was there lol um honestly a great place to me is GT. They got Demerious Thomas, Stephen Hill who sucks right now but still made him a 2nd round pick and of course Megatron so they know how to find wrs for some reason

the atlanta metro area is loaded with 3-5 star wr prospects....which is why i dont have a clue why that RAHTARD is running an option offense up there @ GT.
the quarterback for WKU Brandon Doughty is a Sfla kid. he graduated from north broward prep, glad too see him win one on a big stage!
Actually, Texas? Mack Brown's days are numbered, and there is a bit of win at all costs mentality in Texas.
Because turning around the Kentucky football program is an overnight job :ohlord:

Ain't they s'posed to be SEC?

The reason why they lost isn't because "turning around the program".

They lost because Bobby Petrino was calling the plays. Bobby Petrino is a better coach than a great deal of coaches, a great deal. He just a shady character. His poorly recruited Arkansas teams beat plenty of powers while he was there and were ranked fairly high.

So don't give me this "turning around" bit. Kentucky will beat teams this year. They just won't beat a Bobby Petrino coached and prepared team.

They lost because they're still garbage.

No SEC team should EVER lose to WKU. As bad as KY is they've signed from a better pool of recruits than WKU has. Petrino worked Poops. It was a 7th degree black belt against an orange belt.