Kaepernick’s troll game is next level.....

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You can't ask the ignorant amongst us to understand nuance. There's nothing "Unamerican" about the entire protest. It was never about him taking a knee, just like it was never about Tommie Smith raising his fist. It's the act of defiance that bothers those in power. There's nothing, and I mean nothing more troubling to the powers that be than a person of color standing up for the rights our fathers, grandfathers and great grandfathers fought and died for. It's a **** shame that someone pointing out that American police officers shouldn't be allowed to behave like the old Stazi, is considered Unamerican, but the POTUS cozying up to strongman dictators and doing their bidding(While ****ting on POWs) is perfectly acceptable, by those that want to hide behind the flag. GTFOH
He can’t be anti-American for expressing himself via peaceful protest. Frankly, there is nothing more American than protesting. This is a country literally built on a protest and revolution.
Now you can diaagreee with what he is expressing, but that doesn’t make him anti-American.
Don’t take the easy misguided position. Find the nuance and then disagree if you choose.
ok go to your work and protest and see what happens to you. he is anti-American, racist...that is a fact. he should thank God he lives in this country instead of trying to tear it down. f that dude.
No matter how you feel about Kaep, the NFL tried to pull some shady **** woth this stunt to save themselves from another lawsuit.

I hope Kaep sues them anyway, even if he gets picked up.
Like the three of them, he was willing to stand up for what he believed in even though it's not a popular. Like those three, he received a lot of hate, vitreol and attempts to assassinate his character because he chooses to fight racial injustice. I could go on and on, but you wont "see" it because you don't want to see. You're not open to ideas that don't support what you believe.

Good luck to you.
I dunno why you assume I support Clinton and Biden. But let's make it about them to deflect from your corrupt president.

The entire MAGA movement is one big "Whataboutthis" exercise. I couldn't stand Hillary, I'm not a fan of Biden either, but them at their worst isn't nearly as bad as this. Then again, as long as these people can live in their feelings and the conman continues to feed them utter bull****, they will go along with it, as he continues to sell all of us down the river.
The entire MAGA movement is one big "Whataboutthis" exercise. I couldn't stand Hillary, I'm not a fan of Biden either, but them at their worst isn't nearly as bad as this. Then again, as long as these people can live in their feelings and the conman continues to feed them utter bull****, they will go along with it, as he continues to sell all of us down the river.

I agree 💯
He can’t be anti-American for expressing himself via peaceful protest. Frankly, there is nothing more American than protesting. This is a country literally built on a protest and revolution.
Now you can diaagreee with what he is expressing, but that doesn’t make him anti-American.
Don’t take the easy misguided position. Find the nuance and then disagree if you choose.
Kap is a bum
IDGAF if he was a green Martian He’s nothing more than an average QB perceived as an opportunist. He’s only getting attention because of the attention he created of his own volition.

There are several current players that still “protest” and remain employed. Go figure.
I dunno why you assume I voted for Trump. But let's continue to feed the "pity me" culture.
Come on folks, this is to easy. Can Trump be impeached for this? Need to investigate for Trump collusion. I am sure someone that the guy who tackled Tua knows voted for Trump.

You know how I know you voted for Trump lol.
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