Kaaya on NFL Network?

Watching that tape, he's still throwing a lot like last year. Hitting guys high, and making some routine catches look hard. I feel like it'll cost him some YAC.

He'll be a pretty good backup though.
The big thing you notice about Kaaya is that he didn't look like a rookie. It's only the preseason, but he wasn't a wide eyed deer staring at an on rushing truck. He was calling out protections, changing plays, and every throw except one which was tipped at the line, was catchable. On his touchdown throw, he audibled into the scoring play.

Hate him all you want, but he looked like a veteran NFL quarterback out there, and I couldn't be happier for him.
That highlight doesn't show much.
It was merely an NFL Preseason game and he was playing during "garbage" time when
it's relatively simple stuff against a defense with players who probably won't make the cut.
Regardless, best of luck to the young man.
That highlight doesn't show much.
It was merely an NFL Preseason game and he was playing during "garbage" time when
it's relatively simple stuff against a defense with players who probably won't make the cut.
Regardless, best of luck to the young man.

You could literally say that about all the rookie qbs. Trubisky, Watson, and Keizer all looked bad against the second team defense. It wasn't until they faced the third and fourth string that they did anything
That highlight doesn't show much.
It was merely an NFL Preseason game and he was playing during "garbage" time when
it's relatively simple stuff against a defense with players who probably won't make the cut.
Regardless, best of luck to the young man.

You could literally say that about all the rookie qbs. Trubisky, Watson, and Keizer all looked bad against the second team defense. It wasn't until they faced the third and fourth string that they did anything

Valid point.
However, Trubisky and Watson were drafted significantly higher in the draft, and will have a better opportunity to make the team.
That highlight doesn't show much.
It was merely an NFL Preseason game and he was playing during "garbage" time when
it's relatively simple stuff against a defense with players who probably won't make the cut.
Regardless, best of luck to the young man.

You could literally say that about all the rookie qbs. Trubisky, Watson, and Keizer all looked bad against the second team defense. It wasn't until they faced the third and fourth string that they did anything

Valid point.
However, Trubisky and Watson were drafted significantly higher in the draft, and will have a better opportunity to make the team.

Oh definitely. Brad most likely will be a practice team guy this season until ruddock starts playing like crap but he's looked pretty good too
He had a solid game. I have nothing against Brad. Idiots can hate him all they want, he's apart of the Miami family and I'll root for him in every game he plays(except against the Titans lol).
He'll make the team. Even if it's only as a third string. He's smart and always impresses coaches in the film room and the practice field.

I'm glad Stephen Morris is still getting a shot. He's a good dude but he still has accuracy issues. Dude throws a pinpoint 50 yard bomb and then throws a 5 yard slant 6 yards over the receiver's head.
Lions offense is a good fit for him from the standpoint that Stafford plays primarily in the shotgun IIRC. Brad needs that extra time to diagnose before the rush gets there. He is most comfortable there IMO.