Jovon Durante update

Next....Dont really care.....

lot more wrs in south florida than a 155pd kid at this point.............he fits WVU 's scheme better anyways.

I like Tavares Martin in Palm Beach better.

Martin transferred to Dwyer

ok he's off the list as

We can live off of Spence,Peete, and a slot guy whether from s.fla or oos. I like that Cain kid out of Tampa as well.

Peete's my fav wr of the class so every thin else is gravy.

Peete, really? take another look at his film..

I love his size, but kid creates no separation.

He's the big body wr that high points the ball. We dont have much of those on the current roster...inf act we only have 1.5 of them in Dmauri Jones and Rashawn Scott. Peete will run all hte routes that Allen Hurns did and do work in our system imo.


Look at how smooth he runs his orutes at 6'4 +.....add to it he will be a 6'4 200-210 pd wr down the line..Durante aint holding his jock.