Is Christian Richt borrowing from Hinduism ?


Dec 29, 2013
No offense meant to Hindus, it's just that Richt, as a matter of speaking, seems to have too many "Sacred Cows."

- His belief in his play calling, especially his's at odds with his personnel

- Instead of having an experienced QB coach, he practices nepotism and has the university pay his unqualified son, who is at best a QC coach

- Kaaya. If the guy doesn't have IT, no fire, no emotion, no LEADERSHIP skills, than he is DETRIMENTAL to your TEAM. The "C" on his jersey reminds the other players that not being accountable for your performance is OK. Is he thinking if Kaaya making it to the NFL will help recruiting? At this rate, BK is headed to CFL teams not wanting to waste an import slot on him

Saban keeps everyone on edge, everyone looking over their shoulder...It's a recipe for ruining highly trained, highly self-motivated organizations (think Smokejumpers, SF ODAs, Bombsquads/EOD, etc.) but perfect for young players and an occupation (coaching) where firings are not if, but when...Look at Layne Kiffin's *** chewing and Saban's description as such in his press conference.

Richt will be deep in spiritual thought tommorow...Maybe the answers are not found where he usually looks for them.