Interesting Statitstic - Mind Blowing

"One of the strangest features of string theory is that it requires more than the three spatial dimensions that we see directly in the world around us. That sounds like science fiction, but it is an indisputable outcome of the mathematics of string theory."

So if Golden is supposed to be a good coach and we're to expect different results in 2014, then anything worse than 8-5 should get him terminated. Who disagrees?

Not sure if "we're to expect different results in 2014."
well, its the expectations that tends to get people replaced. I think it is completely fair to say anything less should be shown the door. 9-10 wins per yr should be the bare minimum for our program. And too many of those in a row should also put you on the hot seat, for not getting over the hump. Well, I would be pretty happy with ten per yr......At least we're relevant at that
I see us winning 10 games this year

Yeah, if you believe Golden's BS.

After all, at end of the season, when asked about the defense, he said it was 'trending up.'

I sprayed coffee all over my keyboard and screen. If that man is going to resort to the audacious, and claim outrageous BS, he needs to give a rational man with an alert BS Detector a bit of warning.