Interesting read on the effects of Hard Rock on ND, changed their way of practicing

It's amazing how a team with "no fans", and an "off campus stadium"" could do that.

Chaos is the key to Notre Dame's CFP hopes

As long as the place continues to rock hard with a full house, then we truly have a home field advantage. Obviously, this jerk took us for granted, got his *** wupped, makes excuses and claims if he prepared them better they would have won. 41-8, how can anyone make such a claim?
As long as the place continues to rock hard with a full house, then we truly have a home field advantage. Obviously, this jerk took us for granted, got his *** wupped, makes excuses and claims if he prepared them better they would have won. 41-8, how can anyone make such a claim?

If he would have prepared them better they would have lost 41-22. That night belonged to Miami.
I just hope that CMR is using that same knowledge and applying it too. We enter into a closed stadium against an opponent that will bring their home field with them to Dallas. Glad we have a mature team and a seasoned coaching staff that gets it.
I hate ND but part of me wants to see those ***** go into Lane Stadium, look good, and have the game go down to the wire. Who cares who wins.

When interviewed after the game I hope the leprechauns say it was loud but it wasn't like last year in Miami at the Rock. The media will spin it as them being better prepared but we will know that had they jigged their ginger candy asses back down south they woulda caught another curb stomping.

The media loves to talk about intimidation factor in opposing stadiums and have been emboldened by the destruction of the OB and our fall from grace. People talk about Miami being back and what that means. Most of us agree it's a natty, I think it's when playing a game in the Rock at night is the scariest environment for a football game imaginable. When the whole of CFB believes that having a night game in Miami is a likely L regardless of rank then we will be back

The ND destruction last year was the first time in 15 yrs that I got to feel the feeling of being a Hurricane. The last time I was in a stadium and felt what it is like to be a Miami Hurricane was the OB vs FSU in 2003.

Coming up short against those cheese eaters last year dampened the rising mystique of our home field advantage. This season doesn't present many great opportunities to really turn it up. FSU will be live and maybe UNC. That's why a solid performance by ND in Lane Stadium wouldn't be such a bad thing, even if the media narrative downplays/avoids the idea that the environ at the Rock last year was on another level.
LOL, Chip Kelly still be like this when he thinks back to the Rock.
That was a serious beat down. They look slow. Nobody is gonna be able to handle playing us at home.
He probably thinks if his 2012 team would have played their best they would have beaten Alabama.
Once you lie to yourself enough you start to believe your own lies.
you mean Brian Kelly...the other Kelly.

I meant Chip Kelly. Still makes me laugh when I remember the podcast. I think it was #88 "The Bottom", either before or after the ND game. I honestly have probably listened to that one like 3-4 times, maybe more. Picks me up when I'm feeling down, man... DMoney was so hyped he was losing his mind and called Brian Kelly, Chip Kelly. The brow tried to correct him, and he was like whatever, don't stop me when I'm rolling.

Those were heady days. To me, Brian Kelly will always be Chip Kelly in my head.

I want that feeling again, this time let's ride the hype train all the way baby.
I hate ND but part of me wants to see those ***** go into Lane Stadium, look good, and have the game go down to the wire. Who cares who wins.

When interviewed after the game I hope the leprechauns say it was loud but it wasn't like last year in Miami at the Rock. The media will spin it as them being better prepared but we will know that had they jigged their ginger candy asses back down south they woulda caught another curb stomping.

The media loves to talk about intimidation factor in opposing stadiums and have been emboldened by the destruction of the OB and our fall from grace. People talk about Miami being back and what that means. Most of us agree it's a natty, I think it's when playing a game in the Rock at night is the scariest environment for a football game imaginable. When the whole of CFB believes that having a night game in Miami is a likely L regardless of rank then we will be back

The ND destruction last year was the first time in 15 yrs that I got to feel the feeling of being a Hurricane. The last time I was in a stadium and felt what it is like to be a Miami Hurricane was the OB vs FSU in 2003.

Coming up short against those cheese eaters last year dampened the rising mystique of our home field advantage. This season doesn't present many great opportunities to really turn it up. FSU will be live and maybe UNC. That's why a solid performance by ND in Lane Stadium wouldn't be such a bad thing, even if the media narrative downplays/avoids the idea that the environ at the Rock last year was on another level.

I think you meant the 2003 Canes gator game as we played FSU in the rain in Tally in 2003
I made the decision late in the Vatech game while at Barney's Beanery in Hollywood ('the Miami bar' in LA) to go to the Notre Dame game. Later that weekend on a whim I booked my flight, didn't even book a hotel room or have a ticket at that point, just felt like I should be there. Was a gut feel I had. When I told my friends at our table I was going, they didn't believe me.

One of the best decision's Ive ever made as a Miami fan

The tailgate scene was insane and when Bandy housed that INT before half, I just looked around the Hard Rock and it was right then and there that Miami had made this into their home. It was truly electric and the players and crowd fed off one another. There shouldn't be any more talk of an on-campus stadium or any of that stuff - this new version of Hard Rock/Joe Robbie/Pro Player/Landshark fits this city and program perfectly

Nothing may ever truly replace the Orange Bowl but Hard Rock is perfect for this day and age.

the Madhouse of Miami is now one of the great atmosphere's in college football(especially at night)