Ingenuity on Offense - what's on your wish list?


Great Poster
Nov 4, 2011
Since my other thread about the offense was locked, what are some wrinkles you'd like to see from the offense in 2017?

I think we'd all agree that receivers going in motion would be a plus.

We didn't have anyone with the explosiveness of Thomas, Dallas, Harley last season.

Wet dream scenario: Dallas lined up as wildcat QB with Thomas flanking him.
Number one on my wish list is no more threads on ingenuity on offense by people that have only rudimentary knowledge of offense and think it's like a video game
More HB passes in the snow....they won't even see it comin
I wish that people who make bets saying they'll get off the forum would get off the forum when they lose those bets.
I wish that people who make bets saying they'll get off the forum would get off the forum when they lose those bets.
Since my other thread about the offense was locked, what are some wrinkles you'd like to see from the offense in 2017?

I think we'd all agree that receivers going in motion would be a plus.

We didn't have anyone with the explosiveness of Thomas, Dallas, Harley last season.

Wet dream scenario: Dallas lined up as wildcat QB with Thomas flanking him.

Line up and ram it down everyone's gut, mixed in with some play action screens and long shots. Setting up occasionally.l toss on jet sweep to receiver and occasional reverse .
A QB that can avoid a sack and make a play with his arm or his legs. 3rd and 6 with a QB that can run for 7 will make this O very hard to stop.
Creativity. Creativity. Creativity.

I envy watching Clemson and Pitt on Offense. Such tough Offense's to defend. It feels very similar to how I use to envy aggressive Defense's under Golden and Shannon. CMR needs to leverage our speed and implament more counters, misdirection, movement, reverses, etc., on Offense. We have become too linear and predictable that it frustrates me.
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Creativity. Creativity. Creativity.

I envy watching Clemson and Pitt on Offense. Such tough Offense's to defend. It feels very similar to how I use to envy aggressive Defense's under Golden and Shannon. CMR needs to leverage our speed and implament more counters, misdirection, movement, reverses, etc., on Offense. We have become too linear and predictable that it frustrates me.

Is that you rok? Lol only way it a make sense.
Since my other thread about the offense was locked, what are some wrinkles you'd like to see from the offense in 2017?

I think we'd all agree that receivers going in motion would be a plus.

We didn't have anyone with the explosiveness of Thomas, Dallas, Harley last season.

Wet dream scenario: Dallas lined up as wildcat QB with Thomas flanking him.

1. I want clean execution of basic concepts from every man. Wrinkles come after the fundamentals are mastered and I think people have misunderstood a lack of mastery as a lack of creativity on Richt's part.

2. O-line finding leadership and dominating as a unit. That will change everything and makes everyone look better on offense.