Info on 2 recruits U is after

Posted about that Reggie James kid a while ago... He's Clay Matthews waiting to happen. They're doppelgangers
Do you guys feel like this is better than the 2016 wr class? I know Bruce and Mullins left but that had some serious talent from top we in each tri county at least on paper

Easily better. Bruce and Mullins both were possession guys with no speed.
We aren’t going to be near 85 when sept rolls around. And his tape shows not dead weight. Could be a player.
Offer him for what when you can get him as a preferred walk on?....if he happens to earn a scholarship with his play on the field at Miami then so be it.
He looks good to me. Guy looks like a football player. Nothing wows you but he can do what you ask him to do & make the play he is supposed to make.
Give him a ship, we’re gonna be so far under 85 anyway

That's how you take on dead weight. Staff has been clear they want to avoid offering guys just because they have space and a need at position. Additionally, we may very well be at the limit on signing day. Accounting for recent signees, the grad transfer, and guys that have declared for draft, we're at 79 on scholarship. That leaves room for, say, Nesta, Briggs, Campbell, Ezzard, Goss, and 1 more.

were going to without a doubt have attrition after spring
im in mind to offer that kid a full ride...**** a preferred walk on. He has a georgia southern offer. At worse he pushes Uncle Realus and leads a special teams unit.
Reggie needs to be offered, a kid that plays like that, I'm sure Richt can find somewhere to put him. I would take about 10 kids like that plus he is only gonna get bigger stronger and better, could be one of those diamonds in the rough
You offer him b/c he may get an offer from a mid tier team and decide a full ride is better than 50k a year walk on with no guarantee.